



美式发音: [krʊk] 英式发音: [krʊk]





复数:crooks  现在分词:crooking  过去式:crooked  同义词






n.1.someone who is dishonest, especially someone who uses their position of power for their own personal advantage; a criminal, especially one who steals money2.the place where something bends inward3.a long stick that is curved at one end, used by shepherds for controlpng their sheep

adj.1.Same as crooked

v.1.to bend a part of your body inward, especially your finger

1.克鲁克斯奏泛音,为了要配合乐曲要求的不同的调,乐手们要准备调管crooks),通常作曲家们都很仁慈,不会因为曲子里不断地转 …

5.窃贼 Cocaine: 可卡因 Crooks: (俚语)窃贼(编辑:胡慧) Forensic: 法庭的;法医的 ...

6.变音管 ... 偏轨滑痕( Swerves) 弯曲滑痕( Crooks) 碰后滑痕( After-colpsion Skidmarks) ...


1.If you were alone and had only a few minutes to hide from crooks who were about to break into your house, where would you hide?假如你一个人在家时有匪徒正要闯入你家,你只有几分钟来躲起来的话你会躲在什么地方呢?

2.Get ready to question witnesses, search for evidence and get information from other agents as you chase crooks across the continent.做好询问证人,搜索证物的准备并且在你横穿大陆追踪骗子的时候从其它代理那里获取信息。

3.crooks stared hopelessly at her , and then he sat down on his bunk and drew into himself.克鲁克斯毫无办法地怔望着她,然后在睡铺上坐下,缩成一团。

4.In fact, there are so many thefts that it maytake the crooks as long as a year or two to get around to draining your bankaccount.事实上,现在的许多窃贼也许会在长达一年或两年内设法抽干你的银行帐户。

5.What's a man in his position doing playing around with a bunch of gamblers and crooks?像他那样有身份的人跟一群赌徒和恶棍混在一起干什么?

6.Overseas crooks are using keypad covers that transmit the numbers to a laptop up to 100 metres away.海外传来的是用键盘涵盖能够传送数字到笔记型电脑,高达100米之遥。

7.Ed Crooks deserves a barrel or two for predicting that the oil price would break $100 a barrel and end the year below that mark.艾德•克鲁克斯(EdCrooks)应该获得一两桶石油的奖励,因为他预言油价将冲破每桶100美元,并在2008年底跌破这一关口。

8.Then, you set up your popcies and your rules as if they're all lying, cheating crooks.而在制定公司的政策和规定时,又必须把他们想象成谎话连篇、欺诈成性的恶棍。

9.Unfortunately, there were crooks in the audience, an organization of thieves who stole most of the money.不幸的是,有歹徒在听众中的一个组织,小偷偷走了大部分的钱。

10.The paymasters of these petty crooks are the big crime syndicates.操纵这帮小流氓的就是那个大犯罪集团。