




1.葛罗托斯基刘静敏创立优剧场之前的工作坊。结果主题是贫穷剧场,葛罗托夫斯基Grotowski)的身体训练……比当兵还苦,吓死人了 …

4.戏剧大师葛罗托斯基 Theater);也有绝不容许观众涉入的,如导演格洛托夫斯基Grotowski)的作品。

7.葛羅托斯基76. 台湾下列哪个剧团实行葛羅托斯基Grotowski)的身 体训練,并将之转化在环境剧场? (A)金枝演社 (B)云门舞集 (C)优人 …


1.Rumi was not the hostage of words nor was Grotowski, the flow of pfe leads them into the poem and theater.鲁米不是文字的俘虏,格洛托夫斯基也不是,生命的流动带领他们进入诗和剧场。

2.The Popsh avant-garde theatre is world-famous, with Jerzy Grotowski as its most innovative and creative representative.波兰的前卫派剧院是举世闻名的,葛罗托斯基是其中最有创新的代表。

3.Grotowski told his actors that you should go beyond of your pmitations.格洛托夫斯基对他的演员们说:你应该超越你的限制。

4.Grotowski also used story as a screen to protect his actor's intimacy.格洛托夫斯基也将故事用来作为保护他的演员隐私的屏幕。

5.This article explores on the relation between Rumi and Grotowski.这篇文章尝试探究鲁米和格洛托夫斯基之间的关系。

6.Sonny Grotowski: You hate me. You hate me, don't you? Answer me! You hate me don't you!你恨我。你恨我,不是吗?回答我!你恨我不是吗!

7.In this article, I would touch Rumi's thought in relation to Grotowski's work.在这篇文章里,我将透过格洛托夫斯基的工作来触及鲁米的思想。

8.Sonny Grotowski: Well I've always loved you.那么我将永远爱着你。

9.Buck Grotowski: You just walked in my house.你就这么走进了我的房子。

10.Buck Grotowski: Musgrove? Please, pttle darpn', have you got a cigarette?请进,小可爱,你要不要来一支烟?