




1.艰难的一天 Surround and drown 围起来灭火 Tough day 艰难的一天 It work out ok 奏效了,起动了 ...

2.坚守日 ... 次要任务目标:建造发射控制台( LAUNCH PAD) 任务名称:坚守日TOUGH DAY) 主要任务目标: …

3.艰难的日子 ... soundtrack:n. 声带;电影配音 tough day艰难的日子 stash:vt. 存放;贮藏 ...


1.Woods posted two tweets Tuesday of photos from his EA Sports shoot at Isleworth, referring to one as a "tough day at the office. "伍兹周二发布了两张他在艾尔沃斯EA体育比赛中拍摄的照片,称这是一个“在办公室艰难的一天。”

2.So that's kind of a tough day, but I said, there really is some basis for thinking why you might want to do this.所以这事儿很难办,但我觉得,这事儿真的是有一定根据的,我就想试一试。

3.Well, you know, it was a tough day. . . uhm, got off to kind of a slow start. . .哎呀,你知道,这是很辛苦的一天…嗯,一开始进展就有点慢…

4.At the end of a tough day, they appear in front of you and sooth all your fatigue and bring you back to a childhood fairyland.结束了一天紧张的行程,在你洗漱时,它们出现在眼前,你的疲乏便会顿时全消,身心放松地进入儿时的童话王国…

5.Just a tough day at work, you know?很好,只是水深火热的一天

6.Zip your fly! Shut up! Tough job, tough day, tough world. Life is not always sweet.闭嘴!闭嘴!艰苦的工作,艰苦的日子,不幸的世界。生活并不是甜蜜的。

7.Tough job, tough day, tough world , Life is not always sweet. that's pfe!艰苦的工作,艰苦的日子,不幸的世界,生活并不总是甜蜜的。这就是生活!

8.Yeah, yeah, just a tough day at work. A stegosaurus fell over and trapped a kid.很好,只是水深火热的一天,剑龙倒了,困住一个小孩。

9.It was a tough day for me, but it must've been worse for you.对我来说那是艰苦的一天但是对你来说可能更难熬

10.Today was a really tough day but I have to congratulate Na Li because she's really grown up this year and she played really well.今天确实是个艰难的日子,但是我得对李娜表示庆祝,因为她这一年来成长飞快,打得的确很好。