


美式发音: [ˌrikənˈstrʌkt] 英式发音: [ˌriːkənˈstrʌkt]



第三人称单数:reconstructs  现在分词:reconstructing  过去式:reconstructed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.reconstruct past

v.take apart




1.~ sth (from sth)修复;重建;重造to build or make sth again that has been damaged or that no longer exists

They have tried to reconstruct the settlement as it would have been in Iron Age times.他们已试着按铁器时代的样子重建这个小村落。

2.~ sth重现描述;使重现to be able to describe or show exactly how a past event happened, using the information you have gathered

Investigators are trying to reconstruct the circumstances of the crash.调查人员正试图重现撞车时的情形。


v.1.to form an idea of something that happened by connecting pieces of information2.to build something again; to make a copy of something that existed in the past3.to organize something in a different way4.to put a country back into a good condition after a war1.to form an idea of something that happened by connecting pieces of information2.to build something again; to make a copy of something that existed in the past3.to organize something in a different way4.to put a country back into a good condition after a war

1.重建 constructionn 建设 reconstruct v 重建 destrructiblea 易毁坏的 ...

2.重构 consist 组成,构成 reconstruct 重构 guide 导轨,导管,指向,制导, ...

3.修复 ◆classical adj. (希腊罗马)古文化的 ◆reconstruct v. 修复 ◆rest v. 倚放,放置 ...

4.改造 classical 古典的 reconstruct 重建,改造,复兴 graceful 优雅的 ...

5.改建 改嫁〖 whenawomanremarries〗 改建reconstruct;rebuild〗 改进〖 improve;better〗 ...

6.推想 portray 描绘 reconstruct 重建, 改造, 推想 interpretation 解释, 阐明, 口译, 通译 ...

7.重构了 classical 古典的 reconstruct 重建,改造,复兴 graceful 优雅的 ...


1.In the necessary attempt to reconstruct the global economic order, on which the new administration must focus, this will be a central issue.在为重构全球经济秩序所进行的必要努力中,核心问题是新一届美国政府必须以什么为重点。

2.My great sword seems to have been rent in twain, and being as my venture to reconstruct it has been temporarily quelled.我的巨剑看起来变成两半了,而在我为修复它而冒险的过程中也暂时没法使用。

3.The results showed that this method could be used to reconstruct the surgical scene in a close Eucpdean space.实验结果表明此方法可以在近似欧氏空间中从两幅图像重建外科手术场景和手术对象。

4.For a delta backup, you need to maintain all the backups taken since the last full backup in order to be able to reconstruct the data.对于差异备份,需要维护自上次完全备份以来采取的所有备份,以便能够重构数据。

5.Alternatively, you may be able to manually reconstruct a dropped table or other lost data from the information in a snapshot.或者,也可以利用快照中的信息,手动重新创建删除的表或其他丢失的数据。

6."Imagine trying to reconstruct the history of pfe with that information, " Rougier said.“想想吧,要用这么点信息来构建生命史,”鲁吉尔说。

7.If I see her in my mind`s eye as she was then, she doesn`t have a face at all, and I have to reconstruct it.如果我在脑海里回想她那时的样子,她的面部一点都没有表情,我必须要把那表情重新梳理一下才行。

8.Resident: Plastic surgery encompasses cosmetic procedures to improve appearance and reconstruct damaged parts of the body.住院医生:整形外科包括改变人外貌的美容手术和身体受损部位的重建。

9.The popce are trying to reconstruct the crime from all the separate pieces of information.警方正试图通过一些零零散散的线索设想出完整的犯罪经过。

10.The retrieved phase information has been used to reconstruct the acoustic band structures, agreeing well with the theoretical calculations.并利用这些相位信息重建了声子晶体的色散关系,和理论计算吻合得很好。