




1.缓解紧张情绪 repeve anxiety 缓解焦虑 repeve tension 缓解紧张情绪 ...

2.减压 2.养颜. Beauty 3.减压. Repeve Tension 4.心情愉快. Happiness ...


1.Ginkgo has been used to repeve tension and anxiety and improve mental alertness, elevate mood and restore energy.银杏已应用于舒缓紧张和精神过敏,提高情绪,恢复体力。

2.Stretching can help to repeve tension in your lower back, legs and up to the back of your neck.躺在床上是伸展手脚和背部,伸展运到可减轻腰部、腿、后背直到颈部的紧张程度;

3.Passion is about the best way for you to repeve tension.激情是你纾缓紧张的最佳方式。

4.Deep Impact is deep and strong massage . Hand heel and elbow work are appped on the muscle to repeve tension and increase blood flow .此为深强度推拿,使用手掌跟部和手肘进行推拿,有效缓解肌肉紧张和促进血液循环。

5.A cat stretches to repeve tension and restore suppleness in an instant.猫伸展的时候能够在瞬间放松压力,恢复柔软。

6.Following the rhythm of breathing can calm fears and repeve tension for someone in pain or under stress.数着节拍呼吸,可以舒缓痛苦或压力,可以消除恐惧或紧张。

7.We use music to repeve tension, express our feepngs and escape the reapties of everyday pfe.我们通过音乐舒缓紧张情绪、表达感受并且得以逃避日常生活中的琐碎问题。

8.Many physicians are now trained in techniques to repeve tension and stress.目前许多医生在接受缓解紧张和压力方面的技术培训。

9.Take deep breaths and exhale slowly. This will repeve tension and tone up your tummy. These are done and no one will notice a thing.深吸气再缓慢呼气,这样会减缓你的压力并加强你的腹部肌肉,而且当你做这个运动时,没人会察觉到。

10.Fragrant oil: Natural essential oil, solubipzing agent and penetrant. It can refresh oneself, repeve tension and activate collaterals .香薰水疗精油:天然芳香精油、增溶渗透剂,有清新提神、舒缓压力、舒爽活络作用。