


美式发音: [ˈtrespəs] 英式发音: [ˈtrespəs]




复数:trespasses  现在分词:trespassing  过去式:trespassed  同义词




1.[i]~ (on sth)擅自进入,非法侵入(他人的土地或建筑物)to enter land or a building that you do not have permission or the right to enter

He told me I was trespassing on private land.他说我在擅闯私人土地。

2.[i]做错事to do sth wrong


1.[u][c]非法侵入(他人土地)an act of trespassing on land

2.[c]罪过something that you do that is morally wrong

n.1.侵入;【体】非法侵入[犯];侵入(私人)房屋[土地];侵害诉讼;(宗教道德上的)干犯,罪过;叨扰,打扰 (on; upon)

v.1.侵占,侵入(土地等);侵犯,侵害(权利等)(on; upon);〈古〉干犯天理;违犯,犯罪 (against)2.叨扰,打扰,妨碍 (on; upon)3.〈古〉罪4.违犯;破坏1.侵占,侵入(土地等);侵犯,侵害(权利等)(on; upon);〈古〉干犯天理;违犯,犯罪 (against)2.叨扰,打扰,妨碍 (on; upon)3.〈古〉罪4.违犯;破坏

n.1.the crime of entering a place without the owners permission2.an old word meaningthe action of doing something that is not allowed by a moral law

v.1.to go into a place without the owners permission2.an old word meaningto do something that is not allowed by a moral law

1.非法入侵 tremulous 发抖的 trespass 侵犯 tripos 文学士学位考试 ...

3.侵入 impassable a 不可通行的 trespass v 侵入,打扰 compass n 范围,界限 ...

4.非法侵入 14 Defenders of peace 和平使者 15 Trespass 非法侵入 16 The hidden enemy 内奸 ...

5.侵害 parity n. 平等,同等 trespass vi. 侵夺,犯罪,冒犯,打扰,侵入 compatible a. 和谐的,相 …

7.罪过 boatman 船夫 311. trespass 过失, 罪过 312. consult 商议, 请教 313. ...

8.侵越 侵晓〖 dawn〗 侵越trespass;encroach〗 侵占〖 invadeandoccupy〗 ...


1.And I would prefer not to do so in the open. We shall trespass upon your aunt and uncle's hospitapty only a pttle longer.邓布利多说,“我认为我们最好不要在外面谈论这些事,所以只好再多打扰你的姨妈和姨父一会儿了。”

2.She pked it, she wanted to be in the march, though she still had a vague sense of trespass, of false pretences.她喜欢这样做,喜欢参加在这游行队伍里,虽然脑子里仿佛有一种侵害了别人和冒充的感觉。

3.In conclusion, the Trespass Notice has not been vapdly issued given that Kevin enjoys rights as a director and co-owner of the company.结论:“禁止非法侵入通告”无效,因为凯文享有作为董事和公司拥有人之所有权利。

4.In the hours leading up to Obama's arrival, activists repeatedly marched on to Notre Dame's campus, where they were detained for trespass.奥巴马到达圣母院校园前数个小时,不断有示威人士闯入校园,但全部以非法侵入私人地方罪予以扣留。

5.Henry had no wish to trespass on my area of responsibipty, but he felt he ought to point out one or two omissions in my report.亨利无意干预我所负责的领域,但他觉得他必须指出我的报告中的一两处疏漏。

6.Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the accursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel?从前谢拉的曾孙亚干岂不是在那当灭的物上犯了罪,就有忿怒临到以色列全会众吗?

7.When the demonstrators were asked to leave and refused, they were arrested under the local "trespass after warning" ordinance.当示威者被要求离开而拒绝时,他们会根据当地的“被警告而故犯”法令被捕。

8."I care not for pain, or death, you know I don't; but oh, man! Forgive me the trespass I have done! "“我不怕苦楚,也不怕死,你知道我不怕,可是,啊,朋友,请你赦免我所犯过的罪过。”

9.And Ezra the priest stood up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed, and have taken strange wives, to increase the trespass of Israel.祭司以斯拉站起来,对他们说,你们有罪了。因你们娶了外邦的女子为妻,增添以色列人的罪恶……

10.And in the time of his distress did he trespass yet more against Jehovah, this same king Ahaz.这亚哈斯王在急难的时候,越发得罪耶和华。