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7.艾弗森过人精彩花絮艾弗森过人精彩花絮(Iverson)<篮球小子>1.rm开灯 网友意见反馈留言板    电话:4009600000    欢迎批评指正 新浪简介 | About S…


1.It is not always easy on the attack as I burn a lot of energy in defense trying to cover Allen Iverson.因为耗费了太多体力试图防住艾弗森,所以在进攻端我并不是很顺利。

2.As always, Iverson's effort is unquestioned. But he may need a few more shooters around him to make it a fair fight.还是和以前一样,没有人能去质疑艾弗森的努力。但是他的身边也许会需要更多的射手来帮助他们进行一次公平竞争。

3.Iverson said he's out for much more than just showing the world he and Anthony can get along without butting heads.AI则说,他已经向全世界说明了,他和安东尼不仅不用冲突,相反可以相处的很好。

4.Iverson testified Monday that he didn't see the fight in question. He said he's being targeted because of his wealth.艾弗森在星期一作证说他没有看到打斗。他说这起诉讼是因他的财富而起。

5.And he knew immediately what was wrong. It wasn't that the Pistons traded for Allen Iverson it was who they traded away to the Nuggets .他立即知道了是哪里出了问题。不是因为活塞队交易了阿伦。艾弗森,而是因为被交易到掘金的那个人。

6.Guys pke Steph and Allen Iverson were the obvious (to us, at least) future, despite the fact that they were really just getting started.很明显,史蒂芬和阿伦·艾弗森就是未来(至少对我们来说是这样),虽然他们刚刚崭露头角。

7.A lawyer for the plaintiffs says the trial will pkely take about a week. Iverson is expected to take the stand in his defense.原告律师说这个案子将持续大约一周的时间。艾弗森预计将采取辩护的立场。

8.Allen Ezail Iverson, bron in 1975, was one of the top scores in the National Basketball Association(NBA) despite his relatively small size.阿伦·埃泽尔·艾弗森,出生于1975年,是国际篮球协会(NBA)里的一位头等得分手,尽管相对来说他身材比较矮小。

9.Since his arrival in Denver, Iverson has been saying that Anthony is pke the Christmas present he has not been allowed to open.自从来到丹佛之后,就像是他一直还没有被允许拆封的圣诞节礼物。

10.Rumors circulated that it was the end of the Answer's career, but Moore tells AP that Iverson is healthy and preparing for a comeback.有传闻说,外号“Answer”的艾弗森的职业生涯要结束了,但摩尔对美联社说,艾弗森很健康,正在筹备重返篮坛。