

similar to

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1.相似 skilled at /in 善于 similar to 相似 sufficient for 足够的 ...

2.与……相似 give birth to 分娩,引起,产生 similar to 与…相似] get along with 赞同,支持] ...

3.类似 show up[ 显露出来] · similar to[ 类似] · sketch out[ 拟订] · ...

4.与……类似 sensitive to … 对…有察觉 similar to与…类似 short of … 缺乏…,不足… ...

5.同……相似 similar 相似的 similar to 同···相似 ours 我们的 ...

6.跟…类似的 to have a corner on 垄断(某物) similar to 跟…类似的,与…同样的 >lead … with 以 … 领先 ...

7.与…同样的 to have a corner on 垄断(某物) similar to 跟…类似的,与…同样的 >lead … with 以 … 领先 ...

8.相似于 ~ 等价于 equivalent to; 相似于 similar to → 趋近于 approaches ...


1.The beams start out in a different part of the facipty as lower powered infrared pght, similar to what's inside your DVD player.然后这些光束会以动力较低的红外线的形式,从该仪器的不同部位出来,这个部位跟DVD播放器的内部结构类似。

2.Phi woman outside a bright cashmere shawl, barefoot wearing a pair of Japanese wooden sandals and a folder similar to toe spppers.女子则在外面披一件鲜艳的羊绒披肩,赤脚穿一双类似日本木屐的夹脚趾拖鞋。

3.Such a state is similar to the state of being experienced by the original seeded red race before any distortion took hold.这样一个状态类似于原始红族人在扭曲出现前所经历的状态。

4.Its syntax is similar to that of SQL, and SPARQL queries consist of a series of triple patterns and modifiers.其语法类似于SQL,SPARQL查询包括一系列的三元组范型和修饰符。

5.For Jack, it was just a job. A job similar to any other.对杰克来说这仅仅是一份工作和别人的工作没区别。

6.In the past, female pigs or sows were used to hunt for truffles, as the pungent odor the truffles emit is similar to that of a male pig.在过去,雌猪或母猪被用来寻猎块菌,因为块菌散发出来的刺激性辛辣气味与公猪的相似。

7.In other words, his disposition was very similar to that of a pig-intensely selfish.换句话说,他的性格就和猪的一样——极端自私。

8.Rally's concept of a task is quite similar to SourceForge's, but the schema for the task items is somewhat different.Rally的任务概念十分类似于SourceForge的,但任务项的模式有些不同。

9.Apple said the new Mac App Store, similar to the one for its portable devices, will launch within the next three months.苹果说,新的Mac应用商店与手持设备的应用商店相似,将于未来三个月内推出。

10.Driving it was very similar to any other automatic city car, except there was no exhaust system and no emissions.感觉和其他自动挡轿车一样,只不过它没有排气系统以及任何废气排放。