

encompass:[英 [ɪnˈkʌmpəs] 美 [ɛnˈkʌmpəs] ]


过去式:encompassed;   过去分词:encompassed;   现在分词:encompassing;

encompass 基本解释

及物动词围绕,包围; 包含或包括某事物; 完成

encompass 相关例句


1. My plan encompasses every possibility.


2. encompass的近义词

2. He encompassed the ruin of his enemies.


3. The enemy encompassed the city.



4. The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.


encompass 网络解释

1. 包围:enclose 围绕 | encompass 包围 | encounter 邂逅,遭遇

2. 完成:Formulate:制定 | Encompass:完成 | Shovel:铁揿

3. encompass的解释

3. 包含:Broaden 变宽 | Encompass 包含 | Prediction 预报

4. 围绕:encoding 编码 | encompass 围绕 | encounter danger 遇到危险

encompass 双语例句

1. encompass

1. This would encompass items such as the process and purge panel components, gas cabinets controller operation, and all safety protective systems and shut-downs.


2. Has been expanded to encompass all tank vessel operators, including those managing


3. Since the estimates of the depth to the Curie isotherm are inverse calculations and encompass all of the nonuniqueness and mathematical instabilities inherent in these methods, depth|to|Curie isotherm estimations should be always treated with caution.


4. encompass

4. Since the estimates of the depth to the Curie isotherm are inverse calculations and encompass all of the nonuniqueness and mathematical instabilities inherent in these methods, depth-to-Curie isotherm estimations should be always treated with caution.


5. To be timely - just to try and encompass the broadest range of news about Maemo! So, the last week has provided many of the answers


6. encompass什么意思

6. The new public hospital district would encompass all territory of Vashon-Maury Island and would be governed by a board of commissioners composed of five positions, all of whom would be elected on an at-large basis.


7. Which encompass Britain, Japan, South Korea, France, Germany, Russia, Portugal and Italy, more than 40 languages.

其中含盖英、日、韩、法、德、俄、葡萄牙、意大利等 40 多个语种。

8. encompass

8. The blade should be fully cowled with a spring loaded extension designed to encompass the entire cutting edge.


9. A term was invented for the Seebohm Committee (1965-8), which reviewed the organization of local authority health, welfare and children's service in the UK to secure an effective family service. Nowadays, it is used to encompass a changing mix of voluntary, statutory and private social care provision Alcock, Erskine and May 2002

此词为英国the Seebohm Committee (1965-8)此委员会发明的,用来评估英国地方政府所提供的健康,福利及儿童福利服务,以确保家庭福利服务之有效性,现今个人性社会服务已涵概了来自自愿团体,国家及营立私部门所提供的社会照顾服务了。

10. Today, however, they are trying to move that line to encompass your feelings, thoughts and beliefs.


11. This is one of the reasons why a secular market trend may be said to encompass the primary trends within it.



12. Nevertheless, the photos are designed to encompass the relationship between father and son.


13. encompass在线翻译

13. Because it tells us that God's desire to save is big enough to encompass all people who've been created to live in this world.


14. And I will encompass my house with them that serve me in war, going and returning, and the oppressor shall no more pass through them: for now I have seen with my eyes.


15. With the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes of worlds.


16. Without tenacity—a term I use to encompass persistence and passion—most businesses would never come to be.


17. The term is sometimes extended to encompass Australia, New Zealand, and the Malay Archipelago.


18. Regardless of the question of Paao and the history of the Royal Hawaiian lineage, historians agree that the history of the islands was marked by a slow but steady growth in population and the size of chiefdoms, which grew to encompass whole islands.


19. Materials selection must now encompass a total engineering approach, by considering not only processing and properties, but also the maintenance, reliability, replaceability, and recyclability of a material.


20. encompass的解释

20. Key areas of coverage encompass the full spectrum of medtech business activities--from executive recruitment all the way to product distribution--including market intelligence, corporate funding, intellectual property management, business planning, information technologies, sales and advertising--and a whole lot more.


encompass 词典解释

1. 包括;包含

If something encompasses particular things, it includes them.


e.g. ...the extra services, which start next September and encompass a wide range of special interests...


e.g. His repertoire encompassed everything from Bach to Schoenberg.


2. 包围;围绕;覆盖

To encompass a place means to completely surround or cover it.

e.g. Encompassing over a million square miles, this remote and mountainous domain presides over the rest of Asia...


e.g. The map shows the rest of the western region, encompassing nine states.


encompass 单语例句

1. The three initial CERC consortia encompass clean coal, clean vehicles and energy efficient building technologies.

2. The drill will encompass a simulation of the entire process, forecasters will go through during the Games.

3. These encompass the main areas of the Khampa, a subgroup of the Tibetan people.

4. Her team quickly grew from within her own class to the whole school, then across the city and province to encompass the whole country.

5. Local governments have to take measures that encompass sociological factors such as education, availability of information on health and cultural beliefs.

6. It's incredibly important to present a merchandised vision that can encompass the whole lifestyle of the woman.

7. These activities have grown dramatically in recent years to encompass not only principal investing, but venture capital and advisory services.

8. The scale of the regional and provincial teams will each encompass 120 to 140 members, he said.

9. The ministers also agreed to develop tour packages that would encompass leading attractions in the three nations.

10. It's a trap into which so many biopics tend to fall in trying to encompass everything.

encompass 英英释义


1. include in scope

include as part of something broader

have as one's sphere or territory

e.g. This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds

this should cover everyone in the group

Synonym: embracecomprehendcover