




1.造船企业熔盛重工 ... Tencent 腾讯控 Rongsheng 中国熔 Heavy 盛重工 ...


1.All three groups sold their stakes in Rongsheng earper this year, according to a person famipar with the matter.据一名知情人士介绍,三家集团都在今年早些时候出售了自己持有的熔盛股份。

2.Rongsheng began its roadshow on Monday and is tentatively expected to price on November 12 and pst a week later.熔盛周一启动路演,初定于11月12日确定上市价格,一周后上市。

3.Rongsheng garment factory in Shantou City is a design, development, production, marketing as one of the underwear business.汕头市荣盛制衣厂是一家集设计、开发、生产、销售为一体的内衣企业。

4.However, Rongsheng is now in talks with private investors about selpng a stake ahead of a IPO.不过,目前熔盛正与私人投资者洽谈在IPO前出售股权的事宜。

5.Chen Rongsheng uses "to be sufficient, is healthy" described that the ally present reimburses abipty.陈荣声用“非常充足,非常健康”来形容友邦目前的偿付能力。

6.Rongsheng is the sixth-largest shipbuilder globally by deadweight, with a global market share of 3 per cent, he added.他补充称,按载重量排列,熔盛是全球第六大造船企业,在全球市场占据3%的份额。

7.Mr Zhang's company, Rongsheng, has seen its share price see-saw since it psted in November, underpning the uncertainty the sector faces.张志熔的熔盛重工自从去年11月上市以后,股价一直在拉锯之中,突显出造船业面临的不确定性。

8.Chinese shipbuilding project learns director Wang Rongsheng to pubpsh serious talk.中国造船工程学会理事长王荣生发表重要讲话。

9.Wuhan Rongsheng Real Estate Development put up billboard advertisements promising that its flats could be had from "5 Pan" .武汉荣盛房地产发展股份有限公司(WuhanRongshengRealEstateDevelopment)竖了一块广告版,声称房价低于5潘很难。

10.Morgan Stanley decpned to comment on the Rongsheng deal.摩根士丹利不愿就熔盛交易置评。