

stick-up是stick up的单数

stick up

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单数:stick-up  复数:stick-ups  


stick-up— see alsohold-up


na.1.to continue upwards further than the end of a surface or the main part of an object2.to raise something upwards, especially your arm or hand3.to steal money or goods from a person or place using a gun

1.抢劫 stick your nose into 让你忙着 stick-up 抢劫 stomach’s growpng 肚子咕噜咕噜地响 ...

2.带胶印刷品 Stet 保留不变 Stick-up 带胶印刷品 Sticker 贴纸 ...

3.竖立 ... HEAVE HERE 从此处吊举,从此提起; stick-up 竖立; Grouting procedure 灌浆程 …

4.持枪抢劫 ... 5. Stick insect 竹节虫 7. Stick-up 持枪抢劫 9. Stickwork 运球技术 ...

5.注记纸 注记纸 stic-pat 注记纸,注纪剪贴 stick-up 注入器 injector ...


1.There have been times when I've had to stick up for myself when he's had a go at me.我要自己站出来,但那需要花了很多时间,这时穆帅已经为我起了表率作用。

2.Lenny [To Tonu]: So, if you want your hair to stick up in every direction, just try some Sloth Approved Hair Gel!莱尼(对吨努犀说):那么,如果你想要让头发向各个方向竖起,只要试试斯洛斯发胶!

3.There was a stick-up at the bank near my apartment yesterday.昨天我住的公寓附近有一家银行被抢了。

4.But I also knew that I was being used by my classmates who just couldn't find their voices and stick up for themselves.但是我也知道,我是在被全班同学利用,他们从不说话,也不为他们自己辩护。

5.Many men began to stick up for the rights of women and children.许多男士也开始支持维护妇女、儿童权益了。

6.Ginny has learned to stick up for her family.金妮已经学会要保护自己的家。

7.Where shall we stick up the notices? We want everyone to see them.我们把通告贴在哪?最好让所有人都看到?

8.He took a burnt stick up from the ground.他从地上捡起一个燃烧过的棍子。

9.Through search after the principle and essential of 337 Clauses, stick up to stabipzation of foreign trade circumstance, advance. . .要积极探索337条款的原理和实质,维护中国外贸环境的稳定,推进出口产品结构的升级和优化。

10.We won't let our parents separate us from each other. We have decided to stick up for our rights.我们不会让父母把我们彼此分开,我们要维护自己的权利。