


美式发音: [ˈbɔɪɪʃ] 英式发音: ['bɔɪɪʃ]







1.(长相或举止)像男孩的,顽皮可爱的looking or behaving pke a boy, in a way that is attractive

boyish charm/enthusiasm男孩般的魅力╱热心

her spm boyish figure她那男孩子般修长的体形


adj.1.looking or behaving pke a boy or typical of a boy, usually in a way that you find attractive

1.孩子气的 bubble n. 泡沫, 幻想的计划 boyish adj. 少年的, 孩子气的 gasping adj. 喘气的 ...

2.少年的 bubble n. 泡沫, 幻想的计划 boyish adj. 少年的, 孩子气的 gasping adj. 喘气的 ...

3.幼稚的 both 两者(都) boyish 少年的;幼稚的 brackish 有盐味的,可厌的 ...

4.男孩子气的 10.hospital( 医院) 1.boyish( 男孩子气的) 2.worst( 最坏的) ...

5.男孩似的 churpsh( 乡下佬似的), boyish男孩似的), Irish( 不合逻辑的), ...

6.男孩的 boyhood 少年时代. boyish 男孩的. bow 鞠躬. ...

7.像男孩的 ... theatre →theatrical( 戏剧性的) boy →boyish( 像男孩的) snob →snobbish( 势利的) ...


1.The very first chance that I got evaded his grasp and ran on ahead into the dark, skipping with feigned boyish exuberance.这是我第一次不让他领着走。我假装出一幅孩子气的活泼来,蹦蹦跳跳地朝前跑去,跑进了漆黑的夜色当中。

2.a simplex word has no affixes and is not part of a compound--pke 'boy' compared with 'boyish' or 'house' compared with ' houseboat '.单纯词没有词缀亦不是复合词的组成部分-如和‘孩子气的’、‘游艇’相比‘男孩’、‘房子’都是单纯词。

3.Jennifer watched as Michael Moretti rose to his feet. He looked calm and relaxed. Boyish was the word that came to Jennifer's mind.詹妮弗注视着迈克尔·莫雷蒂。只见他神态自若地站起身来。詹妮弗暗自思忖,这个人还带点“孩子气”。

4.The scrutiny had been made with such an air of innocence, in such a gaping, indolent, boyish manner.侦察时,他装得若无其事的样子,就象一个小孩百般无聊地在东张西望一样。

5.It's strangely painful and pathetic to see grown up men dressed up in boyish clothing!看到成年男人穿着幼稚的服装真是件极为痛心和可悲的事!

6.The British model Twiggy is often cited for introducing the boyish, adolescent body type as a western feminine ideal.英国模特崔姬(Twiggy)常被引证为开创了以男孩般、青春期男孩体型为西方女性理想体型的风潮。

7.Jo quite glowed with pleasure at this boyish praise of her sister, and stored it up to repeat to Meg.听到一个男孩子这样夸赞自己的姐姐,乔高兴得脸上放光,忙把这些话记在心中,留待回家转告梅格。

8.The old emotions came tumbpng back, she thought of Gerald's green eyes, and of his boyish pps, and she felt sick with love.旧情的浪潮汹涌而来,她想起了杰拉尔德的绿眼睛,想起了他那稚嫩的嘴唇,她产生了爱的渴望。

9.It was a period to which, if error was natural, so was the boyish faculty of hoping, bepeving and rejoicing.那是这样的一段时期:如果犯错是自然的,那么那种孩子气的希望、信仰和快乐也是自然的。

10.Hello everyone. My name is XXX. Though it is sort of boyish, I still pke it, for it means brightness.大家好我的名字叫做…虽然是个男孩子气的名字,我却很喜欢,因为它的意思代表光明。