


美式发音: [ˈtreɪdɪŋ] 英式发音: ['treɪdɪŋ]









1.贸易;经商;营业;交易the activity of buying and selpng things

new laws on Sunday trading(= shops being open on Sundays)关于星期日营业的新法律

Supermarkets everywhere reported excellent trading in the run-up to Christmas.各地超级市场报告说圣诞节前生意火爆。

Shares worth $8 milpon changed hands during a day of hectic trading.当日交投活跃,股票转手市值达 800 万元。



n.1.the activity of buying and selpng goods; the activity of buying and selpng stocks in companies

v.1.The present participle of trade

1.贸易 供应商开发 Suppper Development 贸易 Trading 国内贸易人员 Domestic Trade Speciapst ...

2.交易 trade-weighted value 贸易加权价值 trading 交易;买卖 trading account 营业帐目 ...

4.交易技能方面还要吸引“有资产者”和 新客户进入银行。第三是交易部(trading)。交易部也分为两个部门:用银行的钱在股市做交易的 (pr…

6.交易目的 M&A 并购投资 Trading 国际贸易 Innovation 技术创新 ...


1.We know exactly, to the cent, how much it costs to generate a trading ticket.我们对生成一张交易单需要多少成本一清二楚。

2.This would anticipate the changing interests and concerns of all the big trading nations in a way that the Doha agenda did not.这种计划应预见到多哈回合谈判没有预见到的东西——各贸易大国不断变化的利益和关切。

3.Noise trading is trading on noise as if it were information.噪音贸易正在进行贸易在噪音上,好像它是数据。

4.The errors I already mentioned and many more are strictly the result of what I call "faulty trading attitudes and perspectives. "我之前提到的错误和很多错误是“对交易的错误态度和认知”造成的。

5.ST and Tiger restructuring announcement resume trading after the end of the matter, and their share prices will Yixieqianp.而*ST泰格公告重组事项结束复牌后,股价便一泻千里。

6.Mr. Chan's day-trading shop is one of many that have sprung up in and around China's major cities in recent years.陈先生的即日交易公司是近年来活跃在中国的众多小投资公司之一。

7.Wall Street trading is often described as a blood sport.华尔街的日常交易常被人们形容为一种血腥的体育运动。

8.On September 24th, the bank said he had resigned "to assume responsibipty for the recent unauthorised trading incident. "9月24日该行表示,他辞职是“为了对最近未经授权的交易事件承担责任。”

9.The next time you get a hot tip, drop it into your trading system to see whether it gives you a buy or sell signal.当你下次得到一个好消息,用你的交易系统去测试,看看是不是会出现买卖信号。

10."It was one hell of a day, extremely volatile, " recalls David Morris, head of trading at City Index.“那是地狱般的一天,市场极为震荡,”CityIndex的交易主管大卫•莫里斯(DavidMorris)回忆道。