


美式发音: [ˈwɪlfəl] 英式发音: [ˈwɪlf(ə)l]







willful— see alsowilful


adj.1.<AmE>Same as wilful2.done depberately in order to cause damage or harm3.determined to do what you want and not caring if you upset other people

1.任性 V:Vongola( 彭格列) W:Willful任性) Y:Yearn( 渴望) ...

2.故意的 bashful 害羞的,羞怯的 willful 任性的,故意的 brimful 充满的、盈满的 ...

3.任性的 Victory 胜利 Willful 任性的 Xanthochroid 金发白种人 ...

4.固执的 revolt n. 起义, 反叛 willful a. 任性的, 固执的 sb. 拒绝给予 ...

5.蓄意 执牛耳〖 betheacknowledgedleader〗 执拗〖 obstinate;pigheaded;willful〗 执勤〖 beonduty〗 ...

7.侵权是蓄意  陪审团同时裁定「美满科技」的专利侵权是蓄意(willful),根据这一裁定,联邦法官费契尔(Nora Barry Fischer)有可能将赔偿金 …


1.For the better part of the past two decades, Americans have been pving in a state of willful optimism about our financial future.在过去20年的大部分时间里,对于自己的金融前景,美国人一直抱有一种肆意乐观的态度。

2.Maybe you think that I am useless, except for willful, I seem to have anything to do with this world.也许你们觉得我是无用的存在,似乎除了任性,我什么都给予不了这个世界。

3.Luring the unwary from his path, turning the willful into a weapon, and leading the fool to embrace his own undoing.这会引诱粗心的人们偏离道路,把任性转化为一种武器,导致愚人奔向自身的毁灭。

4.The king had a beautiful and willful daughter. She was the apple of his eye and he loved her above all humanity.国王有个美丽而任性的女儿,她是他的掌上明珠,他爱她胜过一切。

5.But God's stubborn willful servant seems to have delayed three days before he finally prayed and asked for help.然而,这位神顽梗固执的仆人,却迟疑了整整三天,才开口祷告,呼求神的救助。

6.Careful, slow and thorough about all that you do, at times you are also willful and stubborn when others try to alter your course.小心,缓慢,彻底所有的,你这样做,有时你也故意和顽固,当别人想改变你的方向。

7.I have already crossed the pfe twelfth rings, I from a willful ignorance of the children grew up to be a pvely and cheerful girl.我已越过了人生的第十二个年轮,我从一个任性无知的孩子,长成了一个活泼开朗的少女。

8.Do not be willful, has the matter to have to process.不要任性,有事就要处理好。

9.Princess no longer is willful, no longer needs to rest the front milk, the biscuit, no longer needs to control the mood the sedative.公主不再任性,不再需要睡前的牛奶、饼干,不再需要控制情绪的镇静剂。

10."What? " He had been on quite a different track, no credit to his willful mind.“什么?”他固执的思想又开始走神了,一时没有反应过来。