


美式发音: [ˈtæktɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['tæktɪk(ə)l]




adj.+n.tactical missile,tactical unit,tactical weapon,tactical alpance,tactical withdrawal





1.[ubn]战术上的;策略上的connected with the particular method you use to achieve sth

tactical planning对策谋划

to have a tactical advantage拥有战术上的优势

Telpng your boss you were looking for a new job was a tactical error(= it was the wrong thing to do at that time) .你把正在另找工作的事告诉了老板,是个策略上的错误。

2.[ubn]有谋略的;手段高明的;善于谋划的carefully planned in order to achieve a particular aim

a tactical decision高明的决策

3.[obn]战术的;短程的used or having an effect over short distances or for a short time

tactical weapons/missiles战术武器╱导弹

4.[obn]作战的connected with miptary tactics

He was given tactical command of the operation.他被授以这次军事行动的作战指挥权。


adj.1.a tactical action is one that you do as part of a plan for achieving what you want2.involving miptary tactics3.tactical aircraft, missiles, and other weapons are designed to be used over short distances

1.战术 tactical suboptimization 战术次优化 tactical 战术的 tacticity 立体规整性 ...

3.战术性 summit conference 高峰会议;首脑会议 tactical adj. 战术的;策略的;善于策略的 tariff barrier 关税壁垒 ...

5.战术型 ... Lethal 致命类装备 Tactical 战术类装备 Wildcards "外卡" 特殊技能 ...


1.That was more tactical than principled, but it might help the CDU to hold on to a state it has governed for more than half a century.这种说法的策略色彩大于其原则含义,不过它或许可以帮助基督教民主联盟守住这个已被该党统治超过半个世纪的州。

2.This was a tactical version of an ARGUS device: a portable laser spectrometer used to sniff out traces of explosive chemical compounds.这是ARGUS装置的战术版本:一个便携式激光分光仪,用于探测爆炸性化合物的踪迹。

3.Were you rested as a precaution or was it a tactical decision to leave you out?当时是预防措施还是技术上的决定所以没让你打?

4.Of course, this is all a lot easier said than done, and a sophisticated computer AI will punish you for tactical errors.当然,说起来容易做起来难。一个狡猾的AI会捕捉并惩罚您的每一个战术错误。

5.However all battles take place in classic turn-based mode with a strong emphasis on tactical elements.当然,所有的战斗将会是经曲的回合模式,伴随着高度重视的战术元素。

6.The tactical plan is incredibly bad; the battery is not deployed for anti-tank defense at all and is going to be an easy prey.作战计划也显得非常的糟糕,炮兵连没有构筑任何反坦克的工事,很容易被敌人击溃。

7.He also presents evidence that Saddam "had not abandoned the strategy of WMD, merely made a tactical decision to put it into abeyance" .他还提供证据,表明萨达姆“并未放弃大规模杀伤性武器战略,只是出于权宜之计,将该计划暂时搁置。”

8.Good governance is different from good management, which is often tactical and reactive rather than strategic and proactive.良好治理与良好管理不同,后者主要是战术性的与被动的,而不是战略性的与主动的。

9.This program was one of the first to use helmet-mounted displays, or HMDs, and head-steered infrared devices on a tactical aircraft.这个项目也是在一架战术飞机上最早使用头盔内嵌显示器(即HMD)和头瞄红外设备的项目之一。

10.The PackBot is an agile, battle-tested unit that's been used for bomb dispersal, recon and other tactical operations.背负式机器人是一种行动敏捷,检测战场形的机械单位,常被用于炸弹拆除,侦察及其它战略任务。