




1.化妆品工业 - cosmetic welding 盖面焊; - cosmetic industry 化妆品工业; - cosmetic dye 化妆染料; ...

2.化妆品产业 ... ) cosmetic firms 化妆品企业 ) cosmetic industry 化妆品产业 ) cosmetics industry 化妆品工业 ...

3.工业化妆品学 ... 化妆品检验学 Cosmetic Analysis 工业化妆品学 Cosmetic Industry 药妆品学 Cosmeceutics ...


1.While the cosmetic industry did not fund Lewis' study, it will probably get a boost from his new Botox research.虽然化妆品行业没有资助Lewis的研究,他可能能从新的肉毒杆菌素的研究上获益。

2.It was point out that developing cosmetic safety raw materials was the main trend in cosmetic industry.指出发展化妆品安全型原料是目前的趋势。

3.Cosmetic industry growth rate was higher than that of the growth rate of the national economy and maintain rapid growth over the years.化妆品工业的发展速度高于国民经济的增长速度,保持了多年快速增长的势头。

4.Of its widely used in cosmetic industry, food industry and pharmaceuticals industries.其广泛应用于化妆品工业、食品工业、医药品工业等。

5.Day, cosmetic industry is in contend for strange bottle colourful while, also give agency, consumer more comppcated and confusing.日下,化妆品行业在争奇斗艳的同时,也给予经销商、消费者更多的扑朔迷离。

6.Finally, reviews the effects of centreing into WTO on China cosmetic industry, with its advantages and disadvantages.第五部分分析加入WTO对中国化妆品行业的影响,指出我国化妆品行业面临的利与弊。

7.Microbial transglutaminase( MTG ) is a kind of new enzyme widely used in the fields of food, medicine, textile and cosmetic industry etc.微生物谷氨酰胺转胺酶是一种在食品、医药、纺织、化妆品等领域具有广泛应用前景的酶制剂。

8.The fresh flowers, from which essential oils can be extracted, are used in the cosmetic industry.新的花,其中必要的油可以被选出,被在美容工业里使用。

9.Our company is possessed of certain influence in cosmetic industry though developing for these years, our products obtain high ratification.经过多年的成长,公司已形成了在本行业内具有一定影响力的企业,生产的产品得到多方认可。

10.The natural cosmetics have been the mainstream development for cosmetic industry.具有天然成分的化妆品已成为目前化妆品产业的发展主流。