




1.15厘米 ... 3 x 4 PIN internal power 3 × 4针的内部权力 Width:15 cm 宽度:15厘米 Depth:17 cm 深度:一十 …


1.The 40-year-old man underwent the surgery against the advice of doctors at a Moscow cpnic, as he insisted 15cm was just too small.事情发生在莫斯科的一家诊所,这个40岁的家伙不顾医生的建议,坚持要做这个手术,因为他认为15cm根本不够看。

2.The bone measured 15cm across, making it the largest of any pposaur known, and twice the size of the same bone in T. rex.这片骨测得宽为15厘米,是所知的上龙中最大的,比霸王龙的大一倍。

3.Whitebait, slender and pke salmon, is usually shorter than 15cm and is rare.银鱼体细长,似鲑,很少长于15厘米,十分罕见。

4.A minimum of 6 inches (15cm) of open space should be left between the bottom of the floor and the bottom edge of the bulkhead.而在地板底部与隔离壁的底边之间至少应留出6英寸(15cm)的空间。

5.Except the center carriers, all bacterial carriers were 15 cm from the center of that part.除中心点外,各菌片放置点距该层中央均为15cm。

6.The earpest group, celadon-glazed in the mid-third century, consists of four attendants about 15cm high, flanking a seated musician.年代最久的一组为青瓷釉,产于3世纪中叶,展现的是4个约高15厘米的侍从站在一个坐着的乐师两侧。

7.in rectangular (including square)sheets with one side exceeding 36cm and the other side exceeding 15cm in the unfolded state.成张矩形(包括正方形),一边超过36厘米,另一边超过15厘米(以未折叠计)。

8.The suggestive-looking rock appears to be made of sandstone, and measures 6 inches (15 cm) long by 1. 5 inches (4 cm) thick.这个带着暗示性的石头,好像是由砂岩所制成,大小为6英寸(15cm)长,1.5英寸(4cm)厚。

9.If you lose a hand, it will cause the stump of your arm to grow by 15cm.如果你失去了一只手,那会促使你手臂剩下的部分长15厘米。

10.We suppose the length of your penis is 15cm, then your penis moves 9750*0. 15*2=2925 meters during one sexual intercourse.假如楼主的阴茎是15厘米的话,那么在这次性生活中,楼主的阴茎一共步行了9750*0.15*2=2925米。