




1.胸大 ... Some store cannot be use. / 有部份店舖不能用 ) big breasts,spm / 胸大,苗条,等 Number of people / …


1.60% of men surveyed say they would rather date a woman with great hair than a woman with big breasts.60%的男士认为相对于和有着大咪咪的女人约会,更倾向于和有着一头健康头发的女士约会。

2.Bound and small feet were considered to be especially erotic, analogous to the obsession with big breasts in the West.三寸金莲被认为是特别色情的,类似于西方对大胸脯的痴迷。

3.Firm, uppfted buttocks and big breasts may not be the best answer.丰臀巨乳不是最好的答案。

4.Big breasts sister did not want to do a long way out.没方法想做大胸妹良久了。

5.I'm just always afraid that people think I'm just fat with big breasts.我就是怕别人以为我本来就是个胸大的胖妞。

6.If you need an analogy, think of how women feel about other women with big breasts.如果给你一个比喻,想一下,女人们会怎么感觉其他女性的巨乳呢。

7.She had big breasts, spm legs, and blue eyes.她乳房高耸,玉腿纤细,明眸湛蓝。

8.A medium - length, double-breasted suit disguises[1] big breasts and hips.一件中长双排扣的西装最能把你的过于丰满的胸部和臀部掩饰起来。

9.What to do with your big breasts?该拿大胸怎么办?

10.LYNETTE: Oh how can you say, she was so your type, big breasts, really curvy.哦,怎么可能?她是你喜欢的那一种,胸部丰满,曲线优美。