




1.自拍达人之我爱我妻 ... 有奖任务 |Task prizes ★自拍达人之我爱我妻★ |I love my wife 原创水印区 |Original watermark ...

2.我很爱我的妻子 He's a newlywed. *newlywed “新婚的人”。他刚刚结婚。 I love my wife. 我很爱我的妻子。 ...

3.我爱我老婆 House:His wife. 他妻子 Dr. Wilson:I love my wife. 我爱我老婆 ...

4.安室爱美惠 7.他新婚不久。 He is a newly wed. 10.我爱我的妻子I love my wife. 14.她想要有孩子。 She want to start a family. ...

6.我爱我的人生 《返乡 Going Home 》 《吾爱吾妻 I Love My Wife 》 《午夜牛郎 Midnight Cowboy 》 ...


1.A Valentine's Day gift doesn't say anything about how much I love my wife!一份情人节礼物的好坏与我有多爱我的妻子毫无关系。

2.It doesn't bother me one drop to tell the world just how much I love my wife.我绝对不会因为告诉全世界我有多么爱自己的妻子而感到丝毫的难堪。

3.I love my wife, but I feel horrible not having my old friends around.我爱我的妻子,但是我的朋友们不在我身边使我感觉很糟。

4.And if I understand how I love my wife, maybe I can learn how to love her better.而且如果我知道了我如何爱我的妻子,也学我可以学会更加爱她。

5.a lot of guys complain about their wives, but i love my wife. she's great, she's a peach!许多人抱怨老婆不好,但我爱老婆。她棒极了,她是个美人儿!

6.Chandler: I love my wife more than anything in this world.钱德:我爱我老婆胜过这世上的一切。

7.I love my wife Linda beyond everyone else.我爱我的夫人琳达胜过任何人。

8.I love my wife. You certainly love saying it.我爱的老婆。你倒是喜欢这么说啊。

9.I love my wife, but she doesn't love me.我爱我的妻子,但她不爱我。

10.I love my wife, every time my wife over to the pregnant, have a combined pfe and the feepng of pfe, because his wife is my pfe!我爱我的妻子,每一次拥我的妻子入怀,都有一种生命与生命合二为一的感觉,因为妻子就是我的生命!