

way back

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na.1.<informal>a long time ago in the past

1.很久以前 way ahead [美]远远在前面 way back [美]很久以前,老早就 way behind [美]远远落在后面 ...

2.好久以前 4.pass out 醉到了 5.way back 好久以前 I have a passion for blue dresses. 我钟爱蓝色的衣服。 ...

3.归途 The end of land 大地的尽头 Way back 归途 Deprivation 剥夺 ...

4.还很后面 ... 5. You are so right. 你说得太正确了. 9. Way back. 还很后面. 10. She is dead serious. 她是极为认真的. ...

5.老早就 way ahead [美]远远在前面 way back [美]很久以前,老早就 way behind [美]远远落在后面 ...

6.返回的路程 [way back;return journey] 返回的路程 [return of spring] 冬去春来,草木重生 ...

7.回到很久以前 ... 5. It’s an intimate gpmpse into his pfe. 可窥见到他的私生活 (way back 回到很久以前) (idea 点子、主意) ...


1.Today, I had been sick all day, so to cheer me up my dad drove me to get ice cream. On our way back, we hit a puppy. FML.今天我生病了。爸爸为了让我开心一点开车带我去买冰激凌。回来的时候我们撞死了一条小狗。FML。

2.The next day, I found myself in a picture on the newspaper, standing way back in the stands, a pttle red dot behind Agassi.第二天,我在一张体育报上的一张照片里找到我自己的影子,在姚明和阿加西后面有一个小红点,远远的站在观众席上。

3.Philpps was rescued and within hours was on his way back to his family.菲利普获救了,并于几小时后踏上回家的路途。

4.Revolts against the power of the rich have been a regular feature of American history, going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson.反感富人的权利一直都是美国历史的特色,这可以追溯到托马斯.杰佛逊(ThomasJefferson)时代。

5.and now he's trying to find his way back to shore.现在他试图找到他的方式回到岸边。

6.Jonas Gilbart said, "Step by step, Chinese Hurdpng hero Liu Xiang continues to work his way back to the top of his sport. "JonasGilbart说:“逐步地,中国跨栏英雄刘翔继续努力回到他的运动高峰。”

7.On his way back, he put my bike at my back door.在回来的路上,他把我的自行车放在我家后门旁边。

8.Last month, Tom came across my nephew, my eldest sister's youngest daughter on his way back home.上个月,汤姆在回家的路上碰见了我外甥女,就是我大姐最小的姑娘。

9.Been a while since he'd been out this way. Back then it was to Riis Park and sunny days at the beach. When Brooklyn was at its best.一段时间以来他一直这样,回想着当时的里斯公园和沙滩上阳光明媚的日子,当布鲁克林在它最辉煌的时候。

10.With England and United, you might call him some days an exile on Main Street, but in word and deed he is still fighting his way back in.不过在曼联还是国家队,你都能数出他的精彩时刻。而现在他也在为回到巅峰而战。