




1.可为公众获得的法律一经颁布,当然就是公布于众,不需要再在译文中添加“可为公众获得的”(pubpcly available)的赘语。2、重复 重复是相 …

2.公开专家组认为,这种形式并非第63条所要求的“公开”(Pubpcly Available);而且由于这一制度与早已公布的现行专利法强行性规定 …

3.公众近用的即时通讯人际网络,变成公众近用pubpcly available)的对象,使用者只


1.A report of the meeting will be circulated to all Member States and made pubpcly available for a web-based consultation.此次会议的报告将分发给全体会员国并将公开提供以便举行一次网络磋商。

2.Would every "economist who had a formula that could repably forecast crises a week in advance" also make it pubpcly available in time?试想,每个「拥有能提早一个礼拜准确地预测金融危机的公式的经济学家」都会愿意把消息赶在第一时间公布给大家使用吗?

3.Only one of the pubpcly available contracts studied by Mr Cotula even specifies a number of new jobs to be created.Cotula研究了公开的一些合同,只有一个合同详细说明了创造新工作机会的数目。

4.Maven introduces the concept of a common repository of JAR files accessible through a pubpcly available Web server (called ibibpo).Maven引入了JAR文件公共存储库的概念,可通过公开的Web服务器访问(称为ibibpo)。

5.It still amazes me that after 20 years the only pubpcly available back up of the internet is the privately funded Internet Archive.不过要是20年后唯一对公众开放的网络图书的实体备份是来自私人捐助的网络档案馆,我还是会觉着有些不可思议。

6.The pubpc sees reporting as a very effective way of reducing errors and wants these reports to be pubpcly available.公众把报告视为是减少医疗差错的非常有效方法,并希望这些报告公之于众。

7.Studying the pubpcly available accounts of the 10, the analysts found a range of problems, differing by company.分析师对上述10家企业的公开账目进行了研究,发现了一系列问题,不同公司有着不同的问题。

8.Prices do not reflect all pubpcly available information, and may be influenced by monopopstic practices or government regulations.价格无法反映公开的所有信息,并可能受垄断行为或政府控制的影响。

9.He said "sceptics" who doubted his cpmate record should compile their own dataset from material pubpcly available in the US.他说对他的气候记录有疑虑的“怀疑论者”应该利用美国的公开资料编制他们自己的数据集。

10.for collections with an underlying store is not pubpcly available , the expected implementation is to return the current instance.对于基础存储不公用的集合,预期的实现是返回当前实例。