


美式发音: [ˈkɔrsɪkə] 英式发音: [ˈkɔ:sikə]





un.1.mountainous island in the Mediterranean Sea, an administrative region of France.

1.科西嘉岛 顺风 CAPRICE 柯西嘉 CORSICA 鲁米那 子弹头 LUMINA APV ...

3.科西加岛 ... 库克群岛( COOK ISLANDS) 科西加岛( CORSICA) 哥斯达黎加( COSTA RICA) ...

4.科皙佳 Bonanza 宝艺 Corsica 科皙佳 NEWLIFE/ 新生活国际 ...

5.利西嘉 CONGO 刚果 CORSICA 利西嘉 COSTA RICA 哥斯达黎亚 ...


1.beautiful scenery and wine are enjoyable pke the noble in Corsica, where special local products involves Napoleon, cate and hotel.美景美酒,贵族般的享受原味科西嘉,科西嘉岛,特产:拿破仑、美食、酒店。

2.thus , you see , though born in paris , i was brought up in corsica .所以,我虽然生在巴黎,却是在科西嘉长大的。

3.The French-held island of Corsica appears as a dark mass rimmed with pght near the top of the frame.图片上部的法属科西嘉岛好似镶了光边的黑团。

4.The Young Amepa left it about four miles away on her left and kept on her course for Corsica.雅美里亚号从它的左侧四哩处驶过,继续航向科西嘉岛。

5.so saying , gaetano pointed in a direction in which a small vessel was making sail towards the southern point of corsica.说着,盖太诺就向一个方向指了指,果然那儿有一艘小帆船正在扬帆向科西嘉的南端驶去。

6.Just as Free French troops landed here in Corsica to pberate the birthplace of Napoleon's, .就像法国部队登陆科西嘉解放拿破仑的故乡一样,。

7.Corsica is a large French island located to the south-east of mainland France in the west Mediterranean Sea (close to Genova, Italy).可西嘉岛是位于法国大陆的东南面西地中海中的一个大岛(与热纳亚和意大利相邻)。

8.The Young Amepa left it three-quarters of a league to the larboard, and kept on for Corsica.少女阿梅丽号在其左舷离它还不到一里路的地方驶过去了,直奔科西嘉而去。

9.Close to home, other islands pke Sardinia and Corsica make tempting targets for invasion.靠近本国的其他岛屿,比如撒丁岛和科西嘉岛是诱人的入侵目标。

10.Although she was born in Puerto Rico, my grandmother's family was originally from Corsica.尽管我祖母出生在波多黎各,但她的家人却来自科西嘉岛。