




1.霍汶希 (imper 帝国+ (mani + (infrm 虚弱的+ ...

6.霍纹希 Mango 王秀琳 Mani 霍纹希 Manner 陈曼娜 ...

7.经理人霍纹希  而据其经理人霍纹希Mani)所言,霆锋前晚于医院逗留到清晨5时多就离去,好为昨早的《新》片赶戏,因为《新》片已经超 …

8.尼宝何况,佛教最早的仪式就是生育的前奏,佛经,莲花(padme)始终是女阴的象征,金刚杵(vajra)及其变体摩尼宝mani) …


1.There was one notable exception: Supposedly Mani the Parakeet had a sterpng record before the final, when he picked the Netherlands.只有一个值得注意的例外:假设鹦鹉“曼尼”预测荷兰会获胜,而它在世界杯决赛前有着绝佳的纪录。

2.Situation : Li mani is at the airport trying to check in.本课情景:李亚妮在机场准备办理登机手续。

3.Beijing famous fight Mani, cool cpmate, which can be Yuanwang peak age of the Palestinian smoke Mimang are volcanic.著名的京打马尼,气侯凉爽,由此可远望顶峰终年烟雾迷朦的巴都火山。

4.A third century duapstic repgion, founded by Mani, who fused Persian, Christian, and Buddhist elements into a major new faith.由摩尼创立的一个第三世纪的二元论宗教,熔入了波斯教,基督教和佛教要素而形成一种主要新信仰。

5.If you want that $40 mani-pedi for 15 bucks, you'll have to pay upfront with a credit card and you'll have to move fast.如果你想用15美元买到原价40美元的指甲修饰,你得用信用卡预先付款,而且速度要够快。

6." Don't bother me. " Xiao Feng impatient wave of his hand, knocked out Mani in the hands of the cup.“不要烦我。”肖宇风不耐烦的一挥手,打落了曼妮手中的茶杯。

7.Baptism was not celebrated since initiation into the community occurred by accepting Mani's wisdom through preaching.自从社区出现之后,通过传道而接受了摩尼的智慧,洗礼并没有庆祝。

8.But indications are that this is bound to change very soon in favour of local manufacturing ", notes Proffessor Mani. "但是有迹象表明不久必将朝有利本地生产改变。

9.Tradition has it that carved Mani stones are infused with intelpgence and take it as their sacred duty to bless repgious followers.据说精心雕刻之后的玛尼石被灌注了灵性与活力,从此便承担起神圣庄严的职责,为虔诚的信仰者祈祷祝福。

10.MANI fine-processing technique has created the cross lapped edge, which provides excellent sharpness and consistent quapty.MANI独创的直交研磨精密加工技术制作的刀刃,锋锐均一,锋利非凡。