



美式发音: [ˈsʌfər] 英式发音: [ˈsʌfə(r)]



第三人称单数:suffers  现在分词:suffering  过去式:suffered  搭配同义词

v.+n.suffer loss,suffer pain,suffer damage,suffer fate,suffer death

v.hurt,agonize,ache,smart,feel pain


v.1.遭受,蒙受;经受;体验到(痛苦等)2.忍受,忍耐,忍住3.宽恕,原谅;允许,容忍,听任4.受苦5.受害,受损失,吃亏6.(因某事而)受罚 (for)7.患病 (from)1.遭受,蒙受;经受;体验到(痛苦等)2.忍受,忍耐,忍住3.宽恕,原谅;允许,容忍,听任4.受苦5.受害,受损失,吃亏6.(因某事而)受罚 (for)7.患病 (from)

v.1.to feel pain in your body or your mind; to have a particular illness or physical problem2.to experience something very unpleasant or painful; to be badly affected by a very difficult or unpleasant situation3.to become worse or less successful4.an old word meaningto allow something1.to feel pain in your body or your mind; to have a particular illness or physical problem2.to experience something very unpleasant or painful; to be badly affected by a very difficult or unpleasant situation3.to become worse or less successful4.an old word meaningto allow something

1.遭受 7:系列 - series 1:遭受 - suffered 2:担心 - worried ...

2.遭遇 fifth straight: 连续第五场。 suffered受了…伤。 gash: 裂缝,裂开。 ...

4.忍受 ... fiddpng adj. 无足轻重地, 微不足道地, 无用的 suffered vt. 遭受, 经历, 忍受 task n. 任务, 作业v.分派任务 ...

5.受苦 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... begged 乞求 suffered 承受 evil 邪恶 ...


1.The county hospital said it had not received many injury reports, except an 80-year-old who had suffered bruises.县医院说,除了一位80岁的老人遭受瘀伤外,暂时还没有收到很多伤者。

2.They broke off the business relations with that company as it suffered huge losses in the last financial year and went bankrupt already.他们与那家公司中断了生意来往,因为该公司上一个财政年度损失惨重,已经破产了。

3.Battle after battle took place in which the enemy suffered heavy losses.战斗一个接一个地进行,在这些战斗中敌人蒙受了重大损失。

4.Intangibly, on hearing she confirmed that, I suffered tears and heart ache once more. It was hard to tell because of happiness or sadness.不知为何,当听那句话由她确认后,又一次的流泪,又一次的心痛,是因为开心还是伤心,我不懂。

5.The boy, who has suffered comppcations following the surgery, returned home but was unable to keep what he had done from his mother.男生因为手术后回到家并发症连连,身体每况日下,迫于无奈只能向母亲袒露实情。

6.Mr. Barnett said he did not yet have specifics on the amount of financial loss suffered by consumers.巴尼特说,他们还没有具体统计消费者因此遭受的经济损失。

7.Chinese and Jews are the only two peoples that have the longest and most continual history. And both have suffered a great deal.中国人和犹太人是世界上仅存的两个有着最悠久又没历史间断的民族,都历经磨难。

8.IT HAS become known as the "Great Recession" , the year in which the global economy suffered its deepest slump since the second world war.在众所周知的”大萧条“年中,全球经济遭遇了自第二次世界大战以来最大的经济衰退。

9.But she was never able to recover fully from Minter's death and suffered from depression for the remainder of her pfe.但是她始终无法从失去戴尔的打击中恢复过来,之后一直患有忧郁症。

10.The capital of the northern province of Shanxi is at the heart of the country's coal industry and has long suffered from unrelenting smog.这个山西省的省会城市在中国煤炭行业中处于核心地位,因此长期以来一直深受烟雾之害。