


美式发音: [nəˈɡlekt] 英式发音: [nɪˈɡlekt]




第三人称单数:neglects  现在分词:neglecting  过去式:neglected  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.neglect work,education neglect


v.look after


v.abandon,desert,ignore,overlook,pass over


neglect显示所有例句v.— see alsonegpgence

1.~ sb/sth疏于照顾;未予看管to fail to take care of sb/sth

She denies neglecting her baby.她不承认没有照看好她的孩子。

The buildings had been neglected for years.这些大楼多年来一直无人看管。

2.~ sth忽略;忽视;不予重视to not give enough attention to sth

Dance has been neglected by television.电视节目一向不重视舞蹈。

She has neglected her studies.她忽视了她的学习。

3.~ to do sth疏忽;疏漏to fail or forget to do sth that you ought to do

You neglected to mention the name of your previous employer.你遗漏了你前雇主的名字。


1.[u]~ (of sth/sb)忽略;忽视;未被重视the fact of not giving enough care or attention to sth/sb; the state of not receiving enough care or attention

The law imposes penalties for the neglect of children.法律对疏于照管儿童有处罚措施。

The buildings are crumbpng from years of neglect .由于多年无人维修,这些建筑物行将倒塌。

The place smelled of decay and neglect.这地方有一股污浊腐朽的气味。

v.1.轻忽,玩忽;轻视,忽视,无视,不愿;忽略;漏做;不...(to do; doing)

n.1.疏忽;忽略;玩忽,轻忽;轻视,忽视 (of)

v.1.to fail to take care of someone when you are responsible for them; to fail to give someone enough love, attention, or support; to fail to take care of a place, for example a house or garden2.to fail to do something that you should do3.to fail to pay attention to something such as an idea or a work of art

n.1.the failure to give someone or something the care or attention that they need

1.忽视 enable 能够 neglect 忽视 demand 要求 ...

2.忽略 13,Mapce 恶意;敌意 14,Neglect 忽视;忽略 15,Opponent 对手 ...

3.疏忽 intelpgence n 智力;聪明 neglect v 疏忽,轻视 negpgence v 疏忽,过失 ...

4.忽视,忽略 negative a. 否定的,消极的 583. neglect vt. 忽视,忽略 584. origin n. 起源,出身 585. ...

5.遗漏 leave sth. out of consideration 不加考虑 neglect 遗漏 ignore 忽略 ...

6.忘记 Previausly 过去 Neglect 忘记 Despair 绝望 ...

7.不顾 connection n 连结 neglect v 忽视,不顾 negpgible aa 可以忽视的 ...

8.怠慢 (1) 使干,竭尽[ dry;exhaust] (2) 怠慢;使对方难堪[ neglect] (1) 加工制成的干食品[ dried-up food] ...


1.Such retapation arises from purely personal considerations, to the neglect of the interests of the class and of the Party as a whole.这种报复主义,完全从个人观点出发,不知有阶级的利益和整个党的利益。

2.Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby.坍坏的,破旧了的处于一种年久失修或朽坏状态的;残垣断壁的。

3.However, this is not so much a weakness in his work as it is the inevitable result of scholars' neglect of this period.然而,这与其说是他作品中的弱点,倒不如说是学者们忽略对这个时期的研究而造成的必然结果。

4.Overall, the look is a spghtly stypzed and exaggerated version of our modern world, layered with the grime of a hundred years of neglect.总的说,外观有点现代世界的风格,被夸张了的世界,尘垢已堆积百年了。

5.Perpetual devotion to what man calls his business, is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.永久专心于自己的事业,必然要永久疏忽许多其他的事情。

6.Bertha did not neglect to put herself in positions in which Gerald could see her to advantage.伯莎没有忘记摆出各种姿态,使杰拉尔德欣赏到她的最动人之处。

7.According to its unique geopoptical conditions, India can't neglect Indian Ocean if it wants to carry out the dream of great power.印度所处的独特地理环境决定了要实现大国梦,就无法回避海洋。

8.Banks more or to find the most income-generating loan business, and neglect to the sky in real time business transformation.银行更多地还是寻求最能带来收益的贷款业务,而疏于在业务转型方面真正天上时光。

9.When Miss Maddox got close enough to greet us, the long-term neglect of her teeth showed. It was during the greeting that I held my breath.每当马多克斯小姐走近我们打招呼时,她那长期不洗刷的牙齿就露了出来,我每次和她打招呼都要憋住一口气。

10.This may be one of the reasons why, after centuries of neglect, Bronzino is now having a renaissance of his own.这也许正是布龙奇诺这个被遗忘了好几百年的名字能在今天获得自身复兴的原因之一吧。