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1.温斯顿 盛世年华( Prime Time) 温士顿( Winston) 菲尔德( FIELD) ...

3.云斯顿 Winston cigarette 云丝顿香烟 Winston 云丝顿牌香烟 winter bamboo shoot 冬笋 ...

6.王泉仁 50年代期间,美国烟市只有六个带有滤嘴的品牌: 温丝顿(Winston)、肯特(Kent)、L&M、威瑟罗依(Viceroy)、泰瑞登(Tareyton…

8.庄园管家-温斯顿 ... Zip( 电脑黑客-泽普): Winston( 庄园管家-温斯顿): Lara( 庄园主人-劳拉): ...


1.When Winston Churchill was defeated in the 1945 general election, his wife, Clementine, told him it was "a blessing in disguise" .当丘吉尔在1945年的大选中落败的时候,他的妻子克莱曼婷告诉他“塞翁失马,焉知非福”。

2.Mr Churchill came over and put his hand on the King's arm. Edward looked up. 'Thank you, Winston, 'he said. 'You were a good friend to me. '邱吉尔先生走上前,把手放在国王的胳膊上。爱德华抬起头。“谢谢你,温斯顿,”他说。“你是我的好朋友。”

3.It was, as Winston Churchill said, not the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning.如温斯顿.丘吉尔所说,这并不是结局的开始,而是开始的结局。

4.How much do you know about Winston Churchill other than the time of his prime ministership ?除了邱吉尔在二战期间担任英国首相之外,对这位历史人物你还知多少?

5.Sir Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' cloakroom after his mother went into labour during a dance at Blenheim Palace.丘吉尔是在女士衣帽间出生的,之前他母亲在布莱尼姆宫参加舞会。

6.Winston Churchill: "I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. "我已准备好去见造我之人。至于造我之人对于见我所要经受的痛苦有所准备则是另一回事。

7.Turnout was as low as 33% partly due to a boycott by the opposition candidate Winston Tubman, who alleged fraud in the first round.投票率只有33%,这部分是因为反对派候选人温斯顿•塔布曼的抵抗,他声称首轮选举有欺诈行为。

8.Winston raised his hands above his head, but with an uneasy feepng, so vicious was the boy's demeanour, that it was not altogether a game.温斯顿双手举过头顶,心里却隐隐不安,因为男孩的态势邪恶极了,好像不全是闹着玩。

9.It reminds me of the old Winston Churchill pne: "Statistics are pke a drunk with a lamppost: used more for support than illumination. "这让我想起老温斯顿·丘吉尔说过的一句话:“他利用统计数字,正如醉汉之利用路灯柱——非为借光,实为撑腰。”

10.The only positive step he took at this time was to advocate Winston Churchill's return to government as a Minister.这时,他采取的唯一积极措施是主张让温斯顿·丘吉尔重新出任政府大臣。