




1.索恩 ... 能恩斯 R. P. S. Dechevers 桑恩 J. Thorne 通布利 J. F. Twombly ...

4.宋恩 Thor 汤尔 Thorne 宋恩 Tiffany 提芬尼 ...

5.佐治科尼 J.汤马士 Thomas 佐治科尼 Thorne 阿兰 Allan ...

6.小说改编警探剧 The Wire[ 写实警探剧 ] Thorne[ 小说改编警探剧 ] Trochwood[ 科那个幻吧 ] ...

7.莫及 ... yingpeng 天野浪人 thorne 莫及 meile 没了 ...


1.That further feminine step in advance which combines paint and petticoats together had not found a votary in Miss Thorne.女性采取的把脂粉和裙子结合起来的更为前进的一步,并没有得到索思小姐的支持。

2.Back in San Francisco, Malcom opens the door to Thorne's office and sees him sitting at a computer console with Arby and Kelly.回到了旧金山,马尔克打开斯诺办公室的门,看见他正坐在电脑前,安慰着艾比和凯莉。

3.Sarah Harding adjusted the inflatable plastic sppnt around Malcolm's leg. She said to Thorne, "How long until the hepcopter comes? "莎拉.哈丁调整著马康姆腿上的充气式塑胶夹板,对索恩说:「还有多久直升机才会来?」

4.Miss Thorne was so essentially good-natured that it was impossible to resent anything she said.索恩小姐本质上那么和善,你实在不可能怨恨她所说的任何话。

5.Thorne's exchange is shocking because it does the reverse: it picks on an angry person and calmly goads him into being a great deal angrier.索恩的邮件沟通令人震惊,因为他的效果恰恰相反:他作弄一个生气的人,若无其事地让他变得越来越愤怒。

6.Weinstein also helped leave behind a new program at Thorne Middle School in which students were encouraged to do nice things for others.温斯坦也给桑恩中学留下了一个新的活动内容,即鼓励学生为别人多做好事。

7.FOR THE WORMHOLE to be traversable , it must contain what Thorne termed exotic matter.要使蠹孔可以通行,它就得包含索恩称之为「奇异物质」的东西。

8.Sky has also been touting its own shows: the London Underground is full of advertisements for "Thorne" , a popce drama.英国天空广播公司也兜售其自己创作的节目,如伦敦地铁贴满了宣传一部名为Thorne的警察剧的广告。

9.Dr Thorne also has plans for generating test data in a format which could show the strengths and weaknesses of different procedures.索恩博士也已计划在一种格式中制造测试数据,这将能够显示不同程序的优点和缺点。

10.Alongside other Matchroom professionals, Thorne featured in the popular song " Snooker Loopy " , written and performed by Chas & Dave .威利除了其它Matchroom的专业人员,在流行的歌曲“斯诺克多圈”书面和执行,查斯和戴夫特色。