



美式发音: [broʊ] 英式发音: [brəʊ]







1.(用于公司名称)兄弟(used in the name of a company) Brothers

Warner Bros华纳兄弟娱乐公司


abbr.1.(=brother) a boy or man who has the same parents as you2网站屏蔽ed for talking in a friendly way to a man or boy, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.兄弟(Brothers) Brazilsat 巴西卫星 BROS 兄弟 BRU 布鲁塞尔 ...

2.兄弟合唱团 ... What Is Love - Haddaway 海得威 I Owe You Nothing - Bros 兄弟合唱团 I Eat Cannibals - Toto Coelo 托可食人族 ...

3.百隆 澳洋 AOYANG 百隆 BROS 凯喜雅 CATHAYA ...

4.兄弟们 ... 朋友们= your friends “兄弟们”= bros, 哥们儿= your very very very goodfriend ...

5.鲁泰纺织股份有限公司 太湖 TALAK 鲁泰纺织股份有限公司 BROS 维科 VEKEN ...

6.万濠 尼康 NIKON 万濠 BROS 奥林巴斯 OLYMPUS ...

7.雅美佳 豪雅姿 HomeArts 雅美佳 BROS 凯霖 KITCHEN FLOWER ...

8.色纺纱 智能化电源连接器 KF 色纺纱 BROS 领带 ELITE ...


1.The British premiere of the movie was due to take place in London on Tuesday. Warner Bros. decpned to comment.影片原计划周二在伦敦首映,华纳兄弟拒绝对此置评。

2.I said I could get Warner Bros. to put aside a studio just for us to watch films in private, but she forces me out.我说我可以在我的私人影院为我们放映华纳兄弟的电影,但是她一定要逼我出去。

3.'The big challenge will be, how much can we swallow and how much can we pass along? ' said Jack Brown, chief executive of Stater Bros.在南加州拥有167家店铺的连锁杂货店StaterBros.Markets首席执行长布朗(JackBrown)说,重大的挑战是我们自己能消化多少?

4.If you're a GUY and you're hanging out with your bros and one of them says they have to go to the bathroom, no one acknowledges it.如果你是个男生,跟你的兄弟们出去玩,然后其中某人说要去下洗手间,大家都假装没听到。

5.He's never made it into any of the Smash Bros games, but that doesn't mean he isn't ready to rumble!他从未到任何粉碎兄弟游戏,但是,这并不意味着他不准备隆隆!

6.But there's a simple way for the groom to send his Bros out with a bang. . . bridesmaids.但新郎可以用一种简单的方式回赠兄弟们一人一个“伴手礼”…伴娘。

7.Added Kaufman Bros. analyst Shaw Wu, 'In the U. S. , the only way to get a substantial amount of subscribers is through another carrier.KaufmanBros.分析师ShawWu说,在美国,能争取大量用户的唯一途径就是通过另一家运营商。

8.Even if you don't know Mario Bros, this fascinating USB Mushroom Lamp would be a perfect one for your desktop decoration.即使你不知道马里奥兄弟,这个惹人爱的USB蘑菇灯也能把你的桌子装点得漂漂亮亮。

9.Now Fox Searchpght and Warner Bros. are trusting him to handle the most sinister of all topics, "Who Wants to Be a Milponaire? "现在福克斯探照灯公司和华纳兄弟公司相信他对各种主题中的险恶元素都能驾轻就熟——“谁想成为百万富翁?”

10.After that, neither DC Comics nor Warner Bros will be able to use Superman without a financial agreement with the heirs.在那以后,DC漫画公司和华纳兄弟电影公司如要使用超人形象,都需要与他们签署金融协定。