

tiger shark

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n.1.a large striped or spotted shark with a voracious and indiscriminate appetite.

1.鼬鲨 ... The Galapagos and Tiger Shark 象龟和虎鲨 tiger-shark 鼬鲨 Tiger Shark Attack 虎鲨的袭击 ...


1.But while she was practicing at an isolated cove, a four-meter long tiger shark ripped off her left arm.不过,虽然她是在一个孤立的海湾练,一个四米长的虎鲨扯下她的左臂。

2.and stays there for more than 2 minutes, plenty of time for a tiger shark to take advantage.而且在一个地方停留2分钟,使鼬鲨有足够利用的时间。

3.A tiger shark looking for dinner. In this instance, though, the young albatross succeeded in escaping.一只虎鲨正在觅食。而此刻小小的信天翁却逃脱了虎口。

4.Despite their hard shells, both are on the menu for the bay's top predator, the tiger shark.尽管具有坚硬的外壳,它们却都是海湾中头号肉食者(鼬鲨)的囊中之物。

5.Sharks So called because of the tiger- pke stripes on juveniles , the tiger shark is , pke its terrestrial namesake , a voracious hunter .鲨鱼图片。如此被叫是因为有老虎相似的斑纹在稚气,虎鲨是,像它的地球同名物,一个贪婪的猎手。

6.A large tiger shark will be released this week after a marine biologist deemed the pool too small.而在本周,一头虎鲨将会放归大海.因为,生物学家认为,这个人工湖太小了。

7.A 14-foot tiger shark attacked her, open Xuepentaikou, bit off Hamilton "s left arm. "一条14英尺长的虎鲨袭击了她,张开血盆大口,咬下了汉密尔顿的左臂。

8.Tiger Shark of the embryo in the mother's womb to be after a heated battle, the winners can be born apve is a small Tiger Shark;虎鲨的胚胎在母亲的子宫里需经过激烈的搏斗,胜利者就是可以活着出生的小虎鲨;

9.The moment a diver grappled with a 12ft tiger shark to save a friend潜水员为救同伴和12英尺长的鲨鱼搏斗场面