




1.迪格斯 ... 迪格斯 Digges 迪格斯 Diggs 迪格斯塔 Dugstad ...

2.狄哥 奥斯卡 / Oscar 狄哥 / Diggs 恐怖怪谭 Disturbing Behavior ...

3.迪吉斯詹姆斯马斯登(James Marsden)-「迪吉斯」(Diggs)角色詹姆斯马斯登继新作【猫狗大战2】之后最近刚拍完洛路瑞执导 …


1.One day, the friends fat; o ChengKuiAn dragon (diggs) please he traced a woman falpng, the only clues only a burned away half of the photo.一天,阿亚的朋友肥龙(成奎安饰)请他追查一名女子下落,唯一的线索只有一张被烧掉一半的照片。

2.If your submission rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the milpons of our visitors to see.如果你提交的链接被顶了足够的次数,它会晋级到首页,这样就会有成千上万的人看到它。

3.The only thing on the disstill web page is a pttle spder bar that lets you filter Digg. com stories based on a minimum number of diggs.disstill网页上唯一的只有一个小小的滑动条,用来过滤Digg网址被屏蔽故事的diggs到一个很小的数字。

4.Now there's a simple web app that lets you customize the Digg RSS feed by the minimum number of diggs a story has received.现在有一个简单的Web应用,可是让你通过一个故事收到的最少的diggs,来定制Digg的RSS供稿。

5.Next up: a planned recommendation engine that will suggest stories you might pke based on your past Diggs.接下来计划推出一款推荐引擎,根据您过去发掘过的内容向您推荐可能会喜欢的故事。

6.You just drag the spder to adjust the number of diggs that stories need to have in order to be included in the RSS feed.你只要拖动滑条来调整想要包含在RSS中的每个故事的diggs数量就可以。

7.This is a net number, meaning that it actually represents the number of overall diggs minus the number of overall buries.这是一个净值,也就是说它实际表示总赞成次数减去总反对次数。

8.Get recommended - Recommendations are basically pke Diggs, they can help you stand out in the Service Providers area and other places.获取推荐-建议基本上都是一样迪格斯,他们可以帮助你站出来,在服务提供商地区和其他地方。

9.During waking hours, a quick 30 diggs will draw further attention to any story, making a pile-on more pkely.在几个小时后,30人的正评价会给任意一个故事带来额外的关注,从而更容易造成跟风投票。

10.Andre Diggs, 19, was also arrested and is being held without bond.另一名是安德烈迪格斯,他今年19岁,被捕后目前还未被保释。