




1.父王 ... 12. Maps 地图 13. Father King 父王 14. The Darkest Evening of the Year 最黑之夜 ...


1.The tradition was re-estabpshed by the Queens father, King George VI, and is continued to this day.这一传统被女王的父亲乔治六世国王恢复起来,并一直延续至今。

2.Their son Solomon was to become the next King of Israel on the death of his father King David.在大卫死后,他们的儿子所罗门王是下一个以色列的王。

3.One was a priest of the goddess Isis; the other a sphinx whose face is said to represent Cleopatra 's father, King Ptolemy XII.一个是神父的女神伊希斯;另一个是狮身人面像的脸,据说代表克利欧佩特拉的父亲,国王托勒密十二。

4.My gift to King Arthur is the Round Table, which belonged to his father, King Uther .我送给亚瑟国王的礼品是这张圆桌,它曾经属于亚瑟国王的父亲尤瑟国王。

5.Princess Aurora. Tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Stefan.奥罗拉公主,今晚,我们就带你回到斯蒂芬国王,你的父亲身边,

6.Morocco's King Muhammad is more of a moderniser than was his father, King Hassan.摩洛哥国王穆罕默德比他的父亲哈桑国王更现代。

7.Tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Stefan.今天晚上,我们会送你回到你的父亲斯蒂芬国王身边

8.Epzabeth II succeeded her father, King George VI, because he had no sons.因为国王乔治六世没有儿子,伊利莎白二世才得以继承父亲的王位。

9.Invidiously nostalgic comparisons are made with his father, King Hussein, who reigned from 1952-1999.对比其在1952年到1999年执政的父亲Hussein国王,人们怀旧而又怀恨。

10.King Wu emulated his father, King Wen, by being fipal too.文王的儿子武王,上行下效,也很孝顺文王。