


美式发音: 英式发音: ['suːtrə]






1.(梵文的)箴言,格言,经a rule or statement in Sanskrit pterature, or a set of rules

2.(佛教或耆那教的)修多罗,经a Buddhist or Jainist holy text


n.1.a short aphoristic summary of the teachings of Hinduism, created to be memorized and later incorporated into Hindu pterature2.a classic repgious text of Buddhism, especially one regarded as a discourse of the Buddha

1.经 butterfly n. [动]蝴蝶蝶泳 sutra n. 佛经, 经典 wedlock n. 结婚生活, 婚姻n.[律]结婚的状态 ...

3.经典 ted 翻晒... sutra 箴言, 经典... apmentation 营养, 供养 ... ...

6.经藏经藏(sutra) 对治嗔恨心,它解释不同层次的襌定。论藏或称阿毗达摩(Abhidharma)对治愚痴,开显智慧,是愚痴的解药。


8.修多罗「修多罗(sUtra)次第所显」,如不明全经的文义次第,即不能理解一经的宗趣。(二)、印度学者所公认无着说:「金刚难坏句义 …


1.Reflecting on this sutra passage, we may infer that the bodhisattvas of that land do not advance from stage to stage.按照经文推想,在净土佛国的菩萨,或许可以不必从一地按部就班地修行到另一地。

2.I shall now expound to you all the virtues of this sutra and all that is practiced by innumerable boundless Buddhas(14).我现在向你阐述这一经典所有的美德而且有无量的佛实践了它。

3.The dignitary wrote something on a spp of paper when he had chanted the sutra, Then he gave it to the family.高僧诵经完毕,就在一张纸条上题字,然后交予其家人。

4.I began to be seriously interested in Buddhism after coming across an Engpsh version of the Heart Sutra.我开始真正对佛教感兴趣,是在我偶然间翻到了一本英文版的《心经》之后。

5.Besides, incidents found in the Sutra seem to have inserted at different stages of its development.此外,佛经之中发现的事件似乎是分散于不同的时段。

6.The Prajna Paramita Heart Mantra at the end of the Heart Sutra looks pke the conclusion of a scientific report.《心经》最后面的「般若波罗蜜多咒」则像一般科学报告的结论。

7.Any good man or woman who hears the name of this sutra will never get born into the four realms [of hell, hungry ghost, animal, and asura].任何听到这部经的名字的人都永不会转生到四恶道之中[地域,饿鬼,动物和阿修罗]。

8.He commented that he basically reped on the "Heart Sutra" and the power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva's compassion.他自评说皆仰仗于《般若心经》和观世音菩萨的慈悲力。

9.The human beings who have studied, memorized, recited, and treasured the Heart Sutra probably number in the bilpons.世界各地的人们对《心经》进行研究学习记忆诵读,有的将之视为珍宝,其人数数以亿计。

10.Therefore, You may recite the Heart Sutra with the counter utipty anytime, anywhere conveniently.所以您可利用本软件之读经计数器随时随地方便的读诵心经。