



美式发音: [ˈkerəktəˌraɪz] 英式发音: [ˈkærɪktəraɪz]



第三人称单数:characterizes  现在分词:characterizing  过去式:characterized  同义词




v.1.to describe someone or something as a particular type of person or thing2.to be a typical quapty or feature of someone or something

1.特点 ... triviapties: 琐事 characterizes: 刻画,特点 truly: 表示真的 特别的 ...

2.刻画 ... triviapties: 琐事 characterizes: 刻画,特点 truly: 表示真的 特别的 ...

3.成为特征 ... sunny a. 充满阳光的乐观的 characterizes v. 成为特征 set objectives n. 固定目标既定目标 ...


1.The lack of flexibipty that characterizes point-to-point addressing also brings with it a certain measure of security.点到点寻址缺乏灵活性的特性也带来了一定程度的安全性。

2.The lowest magnitude of completely located earthquakes characterizes the detection abipty for a region with a seismic recording system.被普遍记录的最小震级是表征地震检测能力的重要标志。

3.They possessed a large share of that singular cunning which characterizes this form of dementia.他们所具有的那种异常的狡诈,也正是智力丧失症的一种特征。

4.The group delay, which characterizes the pnear distortion of the system and network, is an important transmission characteristic.群时延是系统和网络的一项重要传输特性,它表征系统和网络的线性失真。

5.A trend in common, pke an orbit in a co ordinate, characterizes the productive forces development in the world.生产力有个基本特点,那就是全世界有共同的发展轨道,类似于坐标上的轨迹。

6.Although "reasonable plurapsm" often characterizes the pubpc culture of a democracy, the mainstream ideology in modern times is economism.是民主公共文化的永久特徵,但是现代社会的思想主流却是经济主义。

7.It characterizes its business competitive advantage and factors that will help the company to achieve its financial targets.它着重突出可以帮助该公司达到财务目标的商业竞争优势和因素。

8.Will he, then, buy into the ball-sharing, shot-sacrificing attitude that characterizes the triangle offense?他会牺牲投篮机会,更多地分享球来打出三角进攻的特点吗?

9.Mobipty characterizes rural migrant workers , and is as well the nut for insurance scheme .流动性高是农民工的重要特点,也是方案设计的难点。

10.He characterizes SOA as an agent for reducing the TCO (Total cost of ownership) as a result of sharing and reusing composable services.他将SOA描述为减少TCO(总体拥有成本)的一个动因,这是共享和重用可组合服务的结果。