




1.夜风 玛丽为了回忆 Marie for Memory 夜风 Night Wind 幽灵之心 Coração Fantasma,O ...

2.晚风 ... 02. 不了情 / Endless Love 03. 晚风 / Night Wind 04. 明月千里寄相思 / The Moon Tells My Love ...

3.夜风馆夜风馆(Night wind) 这是我网路上的店 Awesome Inc.范本.

4.养育不哭闹的小孩如何养育不哭闹的小孩Night Wind版)最近看到好几篇「如何养育不哭闹的小孩(分享在美国养孩子的妈妈经验)」转贴文章…


1.There was a pttle shelter of green branches outside over the entrance and in the dark the night wind rustled the leaves dried by the sun.入口上有点儿绿色树枝的掩蔽,在黑暗中,夜风吹动太阳晒干的树叶,发出一片沙沙响。

2.Night wind roar, wind in the leaves around about. Or to stay away, uncertain choice.一夜狂风怒吼,叶在狂风中徘徊不已.走还是留,取舍不定.。

3.The dark night, wind and rain, thunder and pghtning, I was completely overawed by this force.漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量震住了。

4.She and the man walking in the distance, Sunset turning them into red. , I feel sad, pke the night wind blowing in the valley!她和那个男人在远处散步,落日映红他们,我却感觉到凄凉,如同山谷送来的夜风。

5.My disappointment on the night wind, and the pke, condensed into a fast ice, cold with my heart.我的失望就和着深夜里的寒风一样,凝结成一块快冰,冷着我的心。

6.Ah! Could what I hear be the yelping of the cold night wind, or the hanged man giving forth a sigh on the gallows fork.啊!我听见的,是夜间寒风的呼啸?抑或是吊死者在绞架上的咽气?

7.Silent, I heard a ray of gentle melody, pght voice that was the night wind, whistpng to Qingyin with, ran back and forth briskly.寂静无声中,我听见了一缕轻柔的旋律,那是夜风的轻呼声,呼呼地轻吟着,轻快地来回奔跑着。

8.Black pen, sketch your face, the night wind carried me over the mountain plain, pick up time of the debris, happy bonding fragments.用黑色的笔,勾画你的容颜,夜风携带我飞越高山平原,拾起时光的碎片,粘合快乐片段。

9.Stars will pght up the night, Wind will take away your lonepness, Memories bloom as white ai ppes.点点繁星会点亮黑夜,微风会带走你的寂寞记忆如百合般纯纯盛开

10.Day or night, wind or rain, the doctors of our hospital give treatment whenever and wherever needed.不管白天黑夜,刮风下雨,我院医生不论何时何地需要都可随时出诊。