




1.安德里森标志的;另一次革命则是由伯纳斯利和安德里森Andreessen)带来的网络使用方式的革命,这次革命的明显标志则是环球网 …



1.Its stockmarket flotation in 1995 marked the beginning of the dotcom boom and made Mr Andreessen a celebrity in the business world.这家公司于1995年的上市,标志着[color=#ff0000]互联网热潮的开端。这也让安山成为一位商界名流。

2.To Andreessen, Skype was a potential gem -- one of the few great network-effect tech companies ever created.在安德里森看来,Skype是一块璞玉,一家有史以来少数能产生网络效应的科技公司之一。

3."The only actual deal negotiation was with Microsoft, " Andreessen told Fortune.Skype只与微软一家进行了真正的交易谈判。

4.At this point, Silver Lake and Andreessen Horowitz need to get creative.到了这个时候,银湖和AndreessenHorowitz公司就需要拿出点创意了。

5.Mr Andreessen seems especially fond of what he calls "founder CEOs" , perhaps because he was once one himself.安山好像特别钟爱所谓的“创办者执行官”,可能因为他自己曾经也是其中一员。

6.Mr Andreessen then spent some time as an angel investor before launching Andreessen Horowitz.安山后来在成立安山好瑞前,也做过一段时间的天使投资者。

7.I don't agree with Ben's take on this issue but I have enormous respect for Ben and his partner Marc Andreessen.我不同意Ben在这个问题上的观点,但是我对Ben和他的合作伙伴MarcAndreessen抱有极大地敬意。

8.Mr Andreessen reckons a similar change in the networking and storage world will lead to the creation of many more new companies.安山认为相似的改变发生在存储领域将会导致更多的新公司诞生。

9.First, a quote from Marc Andreessen's "Guide to Startups, part 4: The only thing that matters"首先,从MarcAndressen的《创业指南:第四部分:唯一重要的事情》文章中引用一些文字。

10."The competitive intensity has definitely risen in the big internet brand names, " says Mr Andreessen.“在大的互联网品牌的竞争烈度已经上升,”Andreessen先生说。