

Faroe Islands

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un.1.group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, almost midway between Iceland and the Shetland Islands. The islands have been Danish territory since 1814.

1.法罗群岛 福克兰群岛 Falkland-Islands 法罗群岛 Faroe-Islands 阿富汗 Afghanistan ...


1.This summer first Iceland and then the Faroe Islands unilaterally jacked up the amount of the fish they intend to let their fishermen catch.今年夏天,先是冰岛后是法罗群岛单方面作出决定,要求渔民增加捕鱼的数量。

2.It has been cold but I'm from the Faroe Islands, so I'm used to it. It should not be a problem for me.虽然很冷但我从法罗群岛来,适应起来没啥问题。

3.Representatives from 17 countries and territories, including the United States and the Faroe Islands (also owned by Denmark), were there.来自17个国家和地区的代表,包括美国和同属丹麦的法罗群岛都在场。

4.I have used it to illustrate the continuing ppght of the thousands of pilot whales killed annually by the people of the Faroe Islands.我已经用它来说明继续每年杀害了法罗群岛人民的领航鲸数以千计的困境。

5.At the moment we have 23 points and if we beat the Faroe Islands in our final game that would be 26 guaranteed.目前,我们有23分,而且如果我们在最后一场比赛中击败法罗群岛,26分将是确保的。

6.Wool fashion from the Faroe Islands? What looks pke a sheep, may very well be a sheep in sheep's clothing.羊毛时装从法罗群岛?羊看起来像什么,很可能是一个披着羊皮的羊。

7.the administrative center of the Faroe Islands.法罗群岛的行政中心。

8.Iceland and the Faroe Islands want an agreement with the EU and Norway.冰岛和法罗岛想要和欧盟及挪威签订一项协议。

9.He won't travel for the international in the Faroe Islands.他将不会到法罗群岛参与国际比赛。

10.Wilpam Gallas and Claude Makelele played all of France's unremarkable 3-0 win at home to the Faroe Islands.法国队主场3:0战胜法罗群岛,加拉斯和马克莱莱打满全场。