




1.孙 SO 苏 SUEN SUEN 楦 ...

2.宣 恶 垩 ok 8 11 . 飧 suen 1 21 . 囊 良堂切 nong 4 22. ...

3.璇 SUEN 楦 SUEN SUET 雪 ...

4.楦 SUEN 孙 SUEN SUEN 璇 ...

5.孙咏宜 ... SO 苏翎甄 SUEN 孙咏宜 SUM 沈泳希 ...

6.孙增爵 Huang 黄立基 Suen 孙增爵 Sun 孙振均 ...

7.算 就( jau) ( suen) 反( faan) ...

8.徐文香港大学 ... 355 Zhou,-Lin Duke U 周林,杜克大学 419 Suen,-Wing U Hong Kong 徐文(音译)香港大学,香港


1.The Education Secretary Michael Suen, was later revealed to also have illegal structures attached to his home.教育部长孙明扬,后来也有违法建筑被显示在他的家。

2.A second BU student, Suen ka-yi from the College of International Education, won a bronze medal in the swimming competition.陈劲民是继国际学院学生孙嘉儿在游泳项目夺得铜牌后,另一位浸大同学获得奖牌。

3.Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Mr Michael Suen , cast vote and spoke to the press at Wong Nai Chung Complex Indoor Games Hall .政制事务局局长孙明扬在黄泥涌市政大厦室内运动场投票站投票及会晤新闻界。

4.people regard that Bridge Suen is a place where technique and nature mixes perfectly.人们认为孙桥是一个技术和自然完美结合的地方。

5.What Michael Suen has said shows the government foresees a change - that the number of school-agers will soon go up again.现在,孙明扬的说法显示政府预见到变化即将发生,适龄学童入学人数即将回升。

6.Mr. Suen couldn't immediately be reached for comment.记者无法即刻联系到孙志达置评。

7.After Fan had returned to Hong Kong, his supervisor Anthony Stevens took over the contact with Suen.范势楚回香港后,他的上司史允善接手跟进与老孙的联络。

8.Speech by Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Mr Michael Suen, at the Special Meeting of Legislative Council Finance Committee房屋及规划地政局局长出席立法会财务委员会特别会议致辞全文

9.Speech by the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Mr Michael Suen at the Special Finance Committee Meeting房屋及规划地政局局长孙明扬在立法会财务委员会特别会议的致辞全文

10.The northbound carriageway of Ho Suen Street between Lung Mun Road and Ho Fuk Street will be closed ;浩船街介乎门路与浩福街之间的北行车道将会封闭;