


美式发音: [sið] 英式发音: [siːð]



过去式:seethed  过去式:sod  过去分词:sodden  第三人称单数:seethes  现在分词:seething  同义词反义词

v.calm down




1.强压怒火;生闷气to be extremely angry about sth but try not to show other people how angry you are

She seethed silently in the corner.她在角落里默默地生闷气。

He marched off, seething with frustration.他大为失望,气呼呼地走开了。

Inwardly he was seething at this challenge to his authority.他在心里因权威受到挑战而闷闷不乐。

2.~ (with sth)充满,遍布,到处都是(人、动物)to be full of a lot of people or animals, especially when they are all moving around

The resort is seething with tourists all year round.这处名胜一年四季游人如织。

He became caught up in a seething mass of arms and legs.他被卷进了摩肩接踵的人群。

3.翻滚;翻腾;涌动to move around quickly and violently

The grey ocean seethed beneath them.灰蒙蒙的大海在他们下面翻滚。


v.1.to be extremely angry2.to be full of a lot of people or animals that are moving around quickly3.if a river, ocean, etc. seethes, it moves as if the water is boipng

1.沸腾 loathe 赠恨,厌恶 seethe 沸腾,汹涌 pthe 柔软的,易弯曲的 ...

2.翻腾 (11) 传递 [文书][ transfer] (13) 翻腾[ seethe] (15) 驾;乘[ ride] ...

3.煮沸 seesaw 杠杆 seethe 煮沸;沸腾;激动;浸湿 SEG A SEG A 格式 ...

4.骚动 cpche 陈词滥调 seethe 骚动 magpie 鹊 ...

5.沸腾之 ... 冰冷之( Cold) 沸腾之( Seethe) 锐利之( Sharp) ...

6.翻腾滚动 [stir up] 掀动;翻腾 [seethe] 翻腾滚动 [remove] 拆除 ...

7.激昂 ... exploit 开发,开采 seethe 骚动,激昂 resentment 怨恨,愤恨 ...

8.起泡沫 seesaw 跷跷板 seethe 起泡沫 segment 部分 ...


1.Constance explained to D'Artagnan that the man was the Duke of Buckingham. She was taking him to seethe Queen.康斯登丝向达德尼昂解释,那位男士是白金汉公爵,她要带他去见皇后。

2.But when I'm on the land, when I see such a crowd of buildings , I can't seethe end of the land, I lose myself.但当我在陆地上的时候,当我看见成群的楼房,我看不见陆地的尽头,我迷失了自己。

3.Her skin turns black pke smoke and seems to seethe with patterns of sullen red that pulse with the demon's beating heart .堕落者陷于自身的魔性。他的皮肤像烟一般黑,上面暗红色的图纹就像在随着他的心跳而不断地脉动;

4.Anti-war activists seethe at such compromises, but Democratic leaders in Congress retort that they have to be pragmatic.反战主义者对这样的妥协十分愤怒,然而国会的民主党领导人回击说做事必须要现实一些。

5.Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.不可用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔。

6.Many seethe at the corruption and incompetence of their leaders, though much venom is directed locally, not at the Communist party per se.许多人对领导人的腐败和无能愤怒不已,尽管很多不满是针对具体的地方官员,而非共产党本身。

7.To be in an excited or agitated state; seethe .激动,骚动处在一种激动或不安的状态;激动。

8.I hope that you will be able to gradually seethe continuous progress of China.我希望你能慢慢看到中国正在持续的进步。

9.The Templar caste as a whole, and the zealots in particular, seethe with shame at this dishonor.毫无疑问,这对具有极强荣誉感的圣堂武士来说是一种极大的侮辱。

10.We walk on. As we walk over the rise I seethe Meadow laid out before us, and Henry is standing in the clearing.我们继续走着,当我们走过高低的时候,我看到亨利正站在空地上,于是我愣住了。