




1.最热 B.more better 更好 C.the hottest 最热 D.much hotter 更热 ...

2.最热的 never 从不 the hottest 最热的 summer hopday 暑假 ...

3.最辣的 辣的要命 Jennifers Body 最辣的 the hottest hot 辣的 ...

4.最热门的 The best choice 精选的 The hottest 最热门的 Price first 价钱优先 ...

5.美国总统大选中炙手可热母离异(divorce)的“黑孩子”,到2008年美国总统大选中炙手可热the hottest)的第一位非洲裔总统候选人(candidate)…

6.年度大排行 > 舞力全开 2012( Just Dance 2012) > 2011 年度大排行( 2011 The Hottest) > 2012 葛莱美的喝采( 2012 Grammy Nominees) ...


1.It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month.那是旱季最热的一天,差不多有一个月没下雨了。

2.At the time, radio was the hottest technology there was, and the White House was on the cutting edge.在那个时候,无线电是白宫里最热门的科技产品。

3.Twitter happens to be, oh, the hottest start-up in the digital-media business right now, so it'd probably be a good investment.Twitter正好是在数字媒体行业最受欢迎的新宠,所以买它大概会是笔不错的投资。

4.The deep-sea eruption of the West Mata volcano is producing what are known as boninite lavas, bepeved to be among the hottest on Earth.西马塔火山深海火山喷发是生产什么被称为玻安岩熔岩,相信是地球上最热中。

5.But after a few months, here will become one of the hottest place all over China, and that's exactly what you came.不过再过几个月,这里就会变成全中国最热的地方之一,那正是你们来的时候。

6.He said the weather was beyond our control, noting that last summer was one of the hottest on record.他说我们对天气无能为力,并提到去年夏天曾是历史上最热的。

7.The hottest days of summer begin after the summer solstice. Maybe a potted plant or flower at home can bring you a pttle bit of coolness.夏天最热的日子在夏至之后开始。或许家里的一盆盆栽植物或花卉可以给你带来些许凉意。

8.and shade by our branches to cool one from the heat of the hottest sun along with shelter one from the wind, snow and rain.并且可以用我们的树枝来遮挡最炎热的太阳和遮风蔽雨雪。

9.That shows what you know. Iceland may be chilly, but it's one of the hottest places in Europe.一看你知道的就不多。冰岛是挺冷的,但它是欧洲最热的地区之一。

10.Gordon: Because he was a ladies man. He's gone out with some of the hottest babes in Hollywood.戈登:因为他是个花花公子。他经常和好来坞最漂亮的女明星约会。