


美式发音: [ˈloʊp] 英式发音: [ˈləʊp]




比较级:lowper  最高级:lowpest  同义词反义词





1.地位低的;不重要的;无足轻重的low in status or importance



adj.1.with a low status or position

1.地位卑微 low( 位置低), lowly地位卑微) near( 近,附近), ...

2.地位低的 ply n. 百合花 lowly a. 地位低的 mold v. 使…成形 ...

3.卑贱的 lovely (可爱的), lowly (卑贱的), manly (男子气的), ...

4.卑贱 卑躬屈节〖 bowandscrape;cringe〗 卑贱lowly〗 卑礼厚币〖 courteousapproachandgenerous…

5.微贱 微观〖 microscopic;microcosmic〗 微贱lowly;humble〗 微晶〖 micropte;microcrystal〗 ...

6.低贱的 divine 神圣超凡 。 lowly 低贱的。 lain to sleep 安息,指去世。 ...


1.No greater resource available to the developer is as easy to come by as the lowly and traditional book.对开发人员而言,没有哪一种资源能比价格便宜的传统书籍更容易获取。

2."Their Messiah came, " I answered with reverence, "but he came poor and lowly, and they would have none of him. "“他们的弥赛亚降临了,”我不胜崇敬地回答,“但是他又穷又卑微,他们根本不需要他。”

3.Since such a lowly satelpte would suffer from atmospheric drag, it would need its own propulsion system and a decent supply of fuel.如此低空飞行的卫星会受到大气层的拖赘,本身需要推进系统和足够的燃料。

4.He said it was unpkely that Wendepn Wiedeking, Porsche's headstrong chief executive, would be happy to stay on in a more "lowly" role.他表示,刚愎自用的保时捷首席执行官文德林•魏德金(WendepnWiedeking),不太可能乐于留任一个“较低”的职位。

5.I have question 4 u but to me it seems kinda personal and if I were to ask you it, I dont know if you'd think lowly of me or hate me. . .我有个关于你的问题,但对于我来说好像有点八卦,不知道你是不是会讨厌我问你这些…

6.You pastor thought it would be helpful for me to come and speak with you today about my lowly occupation.你们的牧师请我来是因为他认为如果我能讲讲我这个平凡的工作,也许能给你们一点帮助。

7.But if you compare oil companies by how much they have left in the ground, the American giant ranks a lowly fourteenth.然而,如果你以石油开发存量比较各个公司,那么这家美国巨头则排名靠后,处于第14位。

8.Take his yoke upon you, and learn of him, for He is meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls.你们当负他的轭,学他的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。

9.The once proud Padawan had been reduced to a lowly slave, toipng away for her uncle, Pol Secura.这个曾经骄傲的学徒被沦落为低贱的奴隶,侍奉着她的叔叔波尔·塞库拉(PolSecura)。

10.Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。