




1.哈特福德rlson Marketing Group) - 美国哈特福德公司The Hartford ) - 荷兰国际租赁(ING Lease) …… It is not the strongest of t…

6.美国哈特福德金融公司  美国哈特福德金融公司(The Hartford)在几年前开始启动了SOA计划,负责基本服务的助理主管Ben Moreland说: “说实话,我们 …

7.哈特佛号率哈特佛号(the Hartford).怀俄明号(the Wyoming)共计181美军 於 1967.6.19日 登陆 龟仔角海岸. 挟著人员及武器上的重大优势. …


1.But there was one treatment, which actually had been pioneered at the Hartford hospital in the early 1940s, and you can imagine what it was.但是有一个方法,这个方法在19世纪40年代曾经在Hartford医院率先使用过,你可以想象这是什么方法。

2.I will remark here, by way of advertisement, that the Hartford Accident Company. . . is pecuparly to BE depended upon.就算是在做广告吧,我必须在这里指出,“哈特福德事故保险公司”…特别可以依赖。

3.This cleverly designed logo incorporates the tail of a whale, and the Hartford Whalers initials 'H' and 'W'.这个设计巧妙的标识在HartfordWhalers的首字母‘H’和‘W’中嵌入了鲸尾的形象。

4.ESPN also operates 46 TV networks outside America. Not bad for an outfit that started out filming the Hartford Whalers ice-hockey team.ESPN在美国国外有46家电视网络,对于一家开始直播哈特福特•威乐兹冰上曲棍球项目的公司来说,是不错的。

5."The housing issue is front and center in the economic recovery, " said Quincy Krosby, chief investment strategist at The Hartford.“房地产问题是经济复苏的前瞻性的和中心问题,”昆西。克罗斯比,哈特福德总投资战略师说。

6.Luedke eventually had a face to face interview and landed a consulting position in the Hartford office.最终她得到一次面谈的机会,并在哈特福特事务所获得了一份咨询工作。

7.We all are. Hey, did you see the review in the Hartford paper? No.我们都很高兴。嗨,你看到《哈特福德》报上的评论了吗?没有。

8.So I was admitted, in 1973, in the spring of 1973, to the Institute of Living, which used to be called the Hartford Retreat.所以1973年春天我住院了,住在Living学院,以前被称作哈特福特疗养院。