

University of Connecticut

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1.Robert Birge, a chemist at the University of Connecticut, is trying to combine them, by making computer memories out of protein.康涅狄格大学的化学家罗伯特•伯奇正在设法通过用蛋白质做电脑存储器的方法把它们结合在一起。

2.Mr. Glass became interested in landscape architecture soon after he earned his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Connecticut.玻璃先生成为景观建筑很快感兴趣后,他从康涅狄格大学获得学士学位。

3.In women's basketball, on Tuesday night the University of Connecticut beat Stanford by six points for the national championship.在女篮方面,周二晚上,康乃狄格大学以6分的优势击败斯坦福大学,赢得全国冠军。

4.University of Connecticut researchers report that news after studying broccop and heart health in rats.康涅狄格大学的研究人员们报告了食用西兰花对大鼠心脏健康状态影响的研究结果。

5.At present, Homer Babbidge pbrary at the University of Connecticut that RFID technology has brought about an easy and efficient.目前,康涅狄格大学HomerBabbidge图书馆已尝到RFID技术带来的便捷与高效。

6.'We know the skull corresponds to a woman between the ages of 20 and 40, ' said University of Connecticut archeologist Nick Bellantoni.康涅狄格大学考古学家尼克·贝朗特尼说:“我们发现这块骨头应该是一个年龄介于20~40岁之间的女性头骨。”

7.The research study was conducted at the University of Connecticut.这项实验是由美国东北部州立大学研究得出的。

8.Doctor B, we know you are a scientist from the University of Connecticut.B医生,我们知道您是康涅狄格大学的科学家。

9.The University of Connecticut, which has increased international enrollment from 25 to 128 in five years, sends admissions staff to China.五年内,康州大学国际生源由25人增加到128人,这所大学会派遣招生专员到中国进行相关的工作。

10.A friend who teaches at the University of Connecticut once complained to me that his students don't think for themselves.一个在康涅狄格大学教书的朋友曾经向我抱怨说他的学生不会自己思考。