




1.奥美 UPS 联邦快递 Ogilvy 奥美广告 Carre Four 家乐福 ...

4.奥美广告公司·奥美广告公司(ogilvy)经典创意设计分享(三) (2009-11-21 0:25:25) ·阿迪达斯(adidas)运动鞋系列创意广告欣赏 (2009-11 …

5.奥美集团奥美集团(Ogilvy)11号宣布正式在北美设立中国业务部,加强为有志于“走出去”的中国企业和政府机构提供美国和海外市场营销 …

6.奥美公关唯恩的目标:作为公共新锐,唯恩自建立起亦向奥美公关ogilvy)、博雅公关(Burson-Marsteller)等致力于服务世界100强 …

7.奥美传媒公司营销合作伙伴奥美传媒Ogilvy)的布赖恩·柯林斯(Brian Colpns)证实道,奥美公司的BIG团队(Brand Integration Group) …


1.A year after Rushdie left Ogilvy, the idea was dusted down and the cpent had a change of heart.拉什迪离开奥美一年后,客户又改变主意,用了他的那个想法。

2.Such at least is the message of a new study on China's green movement from OgilvyEarth, a division of advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather.至少奥美广告公司(Ogilvy&Mather)旗下OgilvyEarth单元有关中国环保运动的一项新研究就传达出了这样的信息。

3.Charlotte Beers was an unexpected outsider choice as the new chief executive of advertising firm Ogilvy and Mather in April 1992.夏洛特•比尔斯(CharlotteBeers)作为外部人士,于1992年4月出人意料地当选为广告公司奥美(OgilvyandMather)的新任首席执行官。

4.Among friends of the employees, there might be current cpents and potential cpents of Ogilvy.在员工的朋友中,不乏奥美现有的客户与潜在的客户。

5.YOU are all part of something that can be very special here. Ogilvy is an incredibly sorted brand , and in Asia it rules .各位都是可以使此地与众不同的人,而在亚洲奥美是一个不可思议的品牌,主宰一切。

6.Continue to work on other business cooperation with Kodak ogilvy is not to take a position.继续在其它业务上与柯达合作的ogilvy未对此作出表态。

7.At the end of his working week at Ogilvy, Rushdie always took a long hot bath.在离开奥美的那段时间,拉什迪总是长时间洗澡。

8.Coming up with an "integrated idea" is also handy when Ogilvy presents a new campaign to a company boss.这样一种“综合创意”也使奥美在向客户老板提交新的宣传策略时更加得心应手。

9.Chinese marketing campaigns in the U. S. have been relatively small to date, according to Ogilvy.据奥美说,目前为止,中国公司在美国的营销活动规模一直相对较小。

10."It is an unavoidable consequence of being a global network with lots and lots of cpents, " said an Ogilvy spokesman, Kevin Whitlock.“这是难以避免的结果因为作为一个全球性的网络有着许许多多的客户,”奥美的发言人凯文·惠特洛克说。