


美式发音: 英式发音: 

na.1.a marriage or relationship that is made in heaven is very happy and successful


1.Their companies could have been a match made in heaven: Apple's gorgeous devices running Google's miraculous services.这两家公司本应是“天作之合”:苹果的华丽设备运行谷歌神奇的服务。

2.It is not a match made in heaven , but we are trying to make it work.这并不是天造地设的完美婚姻,但我们正在努力做得更好。

3.IF OPPOSITES attract, Ford's sale of Volvo to a Chinese upstart, Geely, for $1. 8 bilpon ought to be a marriage made in heaven.如果福特和吉利因相异而相互吸引,福特将沃尔沃以18亿美元出售给中国后起之秀吉利应该是个天合之作。

4.Butter and popcorn was bound to be a match made in heaven.奶油加上爆米花绝对是来自天堂的绝配。

5.Some marriages are made in heaven , but they all have to be maintained on earth . . .有一些婚姻在天堂组合而成,但它们都必需在地球上得到维护。

6.Theirs truly was a marriage made in heaven for no one could burn food pke my mother or eat it pke my dad.他们确实是一对天作之合,因为没有人能像母亲那样地烧焦食物,也没有人像父亲这样安然下咽。

7.A: Get over it. It's not pke they were a match made in heaven. Let's take sodas and sandwiches.得了吧。他们也说不上是天生的一对。咱们还要带一些苏打水和三明治。

8.With one male friend of mine I have a gastronomic relationship made in heaven, yet we have never been lovers.我有一位男性朋友,我们结成了快乐的美食关系,不过我们从来没有成为恋人。

9.She said: "Our match is made in heaven, there is a chemical bond between us. "她说:“我们是天作之合,我们之间有化学反应。”

10.MARRIAGES are not made in heaven, especially when it comes to mergers between large international banks.姻缘非天成,大型国际银行之间的联姻更是如此。