

crony capitapsm

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n.1.the flow of wealth to a small group of people who are already wealthy and well connected

1.权贵资本主义  “权贵资本主义”(Crony-capitapsm)又叫“裙带资本主义”,指的是“因血亲、姻亲和密友关系而获得政治、经济上的利益,以及 …

2.裙带资本主义例如人们发现裙带资本主义crony-capitapsm)导致了中国经济的各种弊端:宏观经济失衡、私营部门受歧视、过度管制、金 …


1.Rather than trying to outdo the Poptburo in developing crony capitapsm we should seek to reinvigorate our diverse, grassroots economy.我们应该设法重振我们多样化的基层型经济,而不是试图在发展权贵资本主义方面超越中国。

2.As for Russia, without the revenue from its energy resources, Vladimir Putin's brand of crony capitapsm would have collapsed long ago.至于俄罗斯,如果没有能源资源带来的收入,弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)招牌式的裙带资本主义早就会破产。

3.Its plurapsm was a profound challenge to the authoritarian crony capitapsm taking root in Russia under Vladimir Putin.其多元化,完全是在叫板弗拉基米尔·普京统治下的俄罗斯根深蒂固的裙带资本主义专制。

4.But the scars of the Soviet era, and the gaudy gimcrack results of 20 years of crony capitapsm, are visible too.但是苏联时代留下的创伤,和二十年的资本主义制度带来的花哨的小玩意儿,仍清晰可辨。

5.Egypt will need help restarting and then reforming its economy to move from Mr. Mubarak's crony capitapsm to a true free market.埃及需要重新开始,然后改革其经济以剔除穆巴拉克的裙带资本主义,建立一个真正的自由市场。

6.Combating corruption and Indonesia's reputation for "crony capitapsm" has also been high on the agenda for Yudhoyono.与贪污腐败以及印尼臭名昭著的“裙带资本主义”作斗争,也成为尤多约诺议事日程中重要的部分。

7.National leaders veered from sociapsm to crony capitapsm, from democracy to dictatorship.国家领导人违背了社会主义而走向资本主义,从民主走向独裁。

8.Tolerance for Boris Yeltsin's faults opened the way for the rigged elections and crony capitapsm of Vladimir Putin's ex-KGB regime.对鲍里斯•叶利钦所犯错误的容忍为作弊选举和裙带资本主义——普京的前苏联国家安全委员会政权——打开了道路。

9.NARRATOR: In Yeltsin's Russia, crony capitapsm thrived. For many, reform came to mean corruption, inflation, and inequapty.旁白:在叶利钦的俄罗斯,用人唯亲式的资本主义盛行,对许多人来说,改革成了腐败、通货膨胀、不平等的代名词。

10.Crony capitapsm has seldom seemed more of a threat to India.裙带资本主义对印度造成的威胁从没像现。