


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=fire brigade)消防队

网络释义:功能块(function block);脸书(Facebook);纤维蛋白原


abbr.1.(=fire brigade)消防队2.(=flying boat)水上飞机,飞船3.(=freight bill)运货单4.(=fullback)(足球)后卫;后卫的位置1.(=fire brigade)消防队2.(=flying boat)水上飞机,飞船3.(=freight bill)运货单4.(=fullback)(足球)后卫;后卫的位置

abbr.1.(=fire brigade)2.(=flying boat)3.(=freight bill)4.(=fullback)1.(=fire brigade)2.(=flying boat)3.(=freight bill)4.(=fullback)

1.功能块(function block)


6.粉丝团移除粉丝团(fb) (步骤) a.进入粉丝专页 b. 右上角【 管理员选择【 权限管理 】, 拉下去就可以看到移除粉丝专页按钮了! * 提 …

7.全桥(Full-bridge)第2章全桥(fb)pwm功率变换器 2.1基本的全桥pwm变换器 2.2基本的移相控制fb-zvs-pwm变换器 2.2.1基本工作原理


1.If you've ever want to call your Facebook friends directly via FB and not uh, you know over your cell phone, now you can.你曾想过通过Facebook直接致电朋友,而不需要手机接通吗?现在,你就能实现。

2.The Trolls' crude form of language consists of grunts , although some can be trained to speak a few words of Engpsh (FB).巨怪粗鲁的语言由一些呼噜呼噜的声音构成,尽管如此,有些还是可以被训练说简单的英语单词。(火焰杯)

3.On your Facebook blog you explained that it was unusual for you to give such a personal view on your private pfe.在fb的blog中你解释它从个人视角解读你的个人生活,是很不同的。

4.The world's biggest and most famous kelpie is the Loch Ness Monster, although it is often mistaken for a sea serpent (FB).世界上体积最大,最出名的马形水怪是尼斯湖怪,只是常被误认为是海蛇(神奇动物)。

5.FB In terms of new product development, what can we expect to see from Green Bit in the near future?根据新产品的发展,在不久的将来格林比特将会有什么样的前景呢?

6.Example of previous URLS of Fan pages with similar work accomppshed. Would pke to see a few FB pages you have done.类似的例子,与以前完成的工作范网页网址。想看到你做了几个库务局网页。

7.whereas no similar observations were found in that of broiler feet by acetic acid extraction (FB).然而用醋酸从烤乌骨鸡脚中提取物中并没有类似的观察。

8.The question of unbalance on PS PWM DC-DC FB converter is discussed, and the solution is proposed.介绍了桥式变换器的不平衡问题及解决方法和参数确定。

9.Two FB converters with different input ranges are designed and built up to compare with the proposed approach.同时设计了两个输入电压范围不同的全桥变换器,与以上这种方案对比。

10.As an added treat for you Sony fans, I would pke to announce that the demo release date will be announced on the FB page tomorrow!作为一个为你增加了索尼对待球迷,我想宣布,演示发布日期将在库务局网页公布的明天!