




1.荣威 CHERY 奇瑞系列.. ROEWE 荣威系列.. PEUGEOT 标致系.. ...

4.荣威汽车(roewe网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽) 2006 Toyota RAV4 Repair Manual 丰田陆地巡洋舰3400维修手册 21.7 ROEWE 荣威维修手册 634 一、大众(集团) Volkswag…

6.上汽的荣威 五十铃车系资料 Isuzu 荣威车系资料 Roewe 陆虎车系资料 Land rover ...

8.上海汽车 ... FORD( 长安福特) ROEWE( 上海汽车) RENAULT( 雷诺) ...


1.In 2008 I won the Roewe Shanghai Masters - definitely the best moment of my career so far.2008年,我在荣威上海大师赛中一举夺冠,这无疑是我职业生涯至今最完美的时刻。

2.Mr Dunne said that the Roewe's performance in its first few weeks on the market, when sales reached about 7, 000, was a good start.邓恩表示,荣威上市后头几周的销量达到约7000辆,这是个良好的开始。

3.Assuming the launch of the Roewe 750 goes well, SAIC has plans of staggering, possibly foolhardy, ambition.假如荣威750上市一切顺利,上汽公司便要开始实施惊人的宏图大计,不过可能并非明智之举。

4.Chinese cars still have a poor reputation, but the Roewe could prove to be the first car to buck the trend.中国汽车仍将背负坏名声,然而荣威却有可能成为第一款逆潮而上的车型。

5.The many kinds of massages program that will appeal, kneading machine configuration roewe integration, protective device.多种按摩程序,将叩击,揉捏荣威一体,本机配置保护装置。

6.Shanghai Auto recently unveiled its first ever model, based on the designs it bought for the Rover 75, which will be called Roewe.该公司最近宣布推出首款自主品牌汽车,这款基于上汽购买的罗孚75技术平台开发的汽车,将命名为“荣威”(Roewe)。

7.The Roewe 750 saloon has been well received, and at the Shanghai show SAIC displayed a prototype of the Roewe W2, a mid-market family car.荣威750豪华轿车的市场反应良好,而且在上海车展上SAIC展示了荣威W2的样车,是一款中档家庭用车。

8.The 550's derivative predecessor, the Roewe 750, largely flopped.荣威550的前身、从英伦品牌衍生而来的荣威750基本上已经失败。

9.One danger for GM is that SAIC is starting to introduce new vehicles under its own brands, such as Roewe, outside the SGM joint venture.通用面临着一个危险,SAI正开始推介如荣威(Roewe)等自主品牌的新车型,在SGM这个合资公司之外运作。

10.These would be badged as Roewe 350 in China and MG5 in other places.这些将是荣威350车作为我国MG5在其他地方。