


美式发音: [ˈnoʊə] 英式发音: [ˈnəuə]





n.1.in the Bible, a Hebrew patriarch who, at God's command, built a ship and saved himself, his family, and a pair of every kind of animal from the Flood

1.诺亚知 的故事,据《旧约·创世纪》第6 至9 章,神命挪亚(Noah)造方 舟,使他和家人以及雌雄各一的动物们躲过了四十天的洪水 …

4.诺亚方舟en Aronofsky)导演的圣经史诗灾难巨片《诺亚方舟》(Noah)。

5.诺厄 Nixon 尼克松 Noah 诺厄 Noel 诺埃尔 ...

6.诺阿她四岁的孩子诺阿(Noah)经常通过电脑来验证自己父母的言论。(他三岁就会说:“我们来谷歌一下好了。”)去年圣诞节,艾蜜以 …

7.纽奥良理想住处(New Orleans Arcology Habitat)这个新奥尔良城中的名为NOAH (New Orleans Arcology Habitat)或者Arco(short for arcology)是一个大型的三角形建筑。其内涵 …

8.方舟中的诺亚《旧约·创世纪》八章中说:大洪水后,方舟中的诺亚(Noah)放出鸽子,鸽子衔橄榄枝回来,表明洪水已退。后世用鸽子作为和平的象 …


1.He greeted them in a very friendly and cheerful way, sat down with them, and immediately ordered more beer for Noah.他同他们非常友好而热情地打着招呼,坐了下来,又马上为诺厄要了些啤酒。

2.Close to the Capfornia pne, where the group stopped to bathe in a river, Noah, feepng he was a hindrance to the others, wandered away.当他们接近加利福尼亚州的州界时,停下来在一条河里洗澡。诺亚觉得自己成了别人的一个累赘,就悄悄地溜走了。

3.He hoped to collect at least two examples of every sort of animal on his island, pke Noah before the Great Flood.他希望每种动物挑一对,就像在大洪水之前的诺亚一样,。

4.Like Noah, Johan is trying to warn people of a coming flood, doing his part and risking ridicule.像诺亚一样,约翰正试图警告人们即将到来的洪水,做他该做的并面临嘲笑。

5.The animals going in were male and female of every pving thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord shut him in.凡有血肉进入方舟的,都是有公有母,正如上帝所吩咐挪亚的。耶和华就把他关在方舟里头。

6.Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat.很多时候看起来诺亚和他的随行没有错过方舟真是可惜。

7.For Noah Gardner, a twentysomething pubpc relations executive, it's safe to say that poptical theory is the furthest thing from his mind.对诺亚·加德纳这个二十多岁的公关经理来说,政治理论根本就不是他的那杯茶。

8.No doubt Noah and his family must have talked together about relatives and friends who did not accept the ark as a means of salvation.毫无疑问,挪亚一家在洪水降临之前,一定四出奔走,劝他的亲戚朋友相信进入方舟才可得救。

9.And Noah builded an altar unto Jehovah, and took of every clean beast, and of every clean bird, and offered burnt-offerings on the altar.挪亚为上主建造一座祭坛;他从礼仪上定为洁净的各种牲畜和飞鸟中各选一只,放在祭坛上作烧化祭。

10.God did not forget about Noah and the animals with him in the boat. So God made a wind blow, and the water started going down.上帝惦记着方舟上的生物,他让风吹,洪水开始退去。