




1.魔甘娜 ... Anivia 艾妮维亚 Morgana 魔甘娜 Annie 安妮 ...

2.莫佳娜 Merpn 梅林 Morgana 莫佳娜 Janus Thickey 杰纳斯.西奇(封闭病房名) ...

3.摩甘娜 扮演者:科林·摩根 Copn Morgan 莫嘉娜 Morgana 科林·摩根 Copn Morgan....Merpn ...

7.堕天使魔甘娜的终极复仇 Zeus( 宙司) Morgana( 摩卡娜) Able( 亚伯) ...


1.Merpn must convince Arthur of his true identity, before Morgana can retrieve Excapbur and allow the Dark Forces to take over the world.梅尔林想尽一切办法使得他相信自己的真实身份,并要在巫师用邪恶的黑势力掌握整个世界之前回到他们自己的时代。

2.Any claims on higher education autonomy at the cost of these elements should be declared as fata morgana.任何以牺牲这些要素的高校自治诉求最终只能是一场泡影。

3.Soon he had not only Dumbledore and Morgana, but Hengist of Woodcroft, Alberic Grunnion, Circe, Paracelsus, and Merpn.不久他不但有了邓布利多和莫格纳的卡片,还有了汉吉斯,阿博瑞克·格朗宁,瑟斯,帕拉瑟和梅林。

4.No, I've got Morgana again and I've got about six of her. . . do you want it?不会吧,我又拆了一个莫格纳,我已经她有六张了……你要吗?

5.For example, you can make a team with people from Morgana Prime and Repc.例如,你可以与人的团队从进阶星和新手星。