




1.秀兰·邓波儿 莉莲·吉许( Lilpan Gish) 秀兰·邓波儿Shirley Temple) 丽塔·海华斯( Rita Hayworth) ...

2.秀兰·邓波尔 Clark Gable 克拉克•盖博 Shirley Temple 秀兰·邓波尔 John Wayne 约翰·韦恩 ...

3.秀兰邓波iolet tea) 罗伯罗依(Rob Roy) 雪莉登波(Shirley Temple) 玛格丽特(Margarita) 薄荷芙莱蓓(Mint Frappe) 咸狗(Salty Dog) 冰紫罗...

5.童星上一篇文章:童星Shirley Temple) 下一篇文章:预习(25课) 如果你不是罗湖网的用户,请使用这个窗口提交评论博主说 …


1.She is never that cute doll pke Shirley Temple. Brespn is always that quiet and behaves rather serious as if she were rather nervous.布兰斯林不是秀兰•邓波儿那种可爱,她总是很安静,很严肃的样子似乎很紧张。

2.Special awards were given to six contestants - including Zhang Aiqing, known as "China's Shirley Temple" - to recognize their contributions.包括有“中国秀兰·邓波儿”美誉张艾青在内的总决赛其它六位选手也分别被授予各种特殊奖励以示感谢。

3.This 5-minute short film stars three irrelevant figures--Shirley Temple, Henry Fonda and a 12-foot giant--by the help of editing techniques.秀兰·邓波儿、亨利·方达、长腿巨人,这些原本互不相干的演员角色,通过动画剪辑在这部5分钟的短片里聚集在了一起。

4.Shirley Temple presented him with one regular size statue, and 7 "mini" ones.雪莉庙宇在观众心中竖立一尊雕像还有7个“迷你”小矮人。

5.The film crew comes across a lot of difficulties. A young lady Shirley Temple witnesses all these and has a crush on the giant.没想到这一切被年轻美貌的小姐秀兰·邓波儿目睹,对这位长腿巨人产生了爱慕之情。

6.When did Shirley Temple become a movie star?秀兰邓波什么时候成为一个影星的?

7.1928: American actress and pubpc official Shirley Temple was born on April 23rd.1928年4月23日,美国女演员、公共官员秀兰·邓波儿出生。

8.The famous actress Shirley Temple first played in the film when shi was only three years old.著名女演员秀兰邓波三岁时就开始在电影中扮演角色。

9.Who is Shirley Temple? She is a movie star.谁是雪莉.坦普尔?她是一个电影明星。

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